he'll be fine

90 3 5

(This is a filler thing so I hope you enjoy)

Armakan 19
Carter 15
Sharrkan 10

(Carter's pov)

"And then Sinbad did this cool flip thing" sharrkan continued to blab on about his adventure in the last year. "That's cool buddy" I say chuckling as he waved his hands around as he explained something. "Yeah but what have you been up to" he ask as he started playing with some hair that fell out of the braid. "Well I learned how to use a sword and I met a kid named sphintus he's a tiny magician so gonna help him out and thats it beside hiding from arma so he can't brush my hair" sharrkan chuckled.

"Well your life is so exciting" this sarcastic boy "my god when did you get sarcastic" "I learned from the best" he says laughing. "I'm am not sarcastic" I gasp dramatically at the end "Oh yes you are" armakan pops up "I am not" "yes you are" "not" "are" "not" "are" "not". This went on for a little while till sharrkan joined in and about three minutes later narmes did to. "Ok so I'm a little sarcastic you guys are to so"I stuck out my tounge at them as sharrkan was in a laughing fit.

"A little my god every other sentence you say is sarcastic" narmes says "who was even talking to you" I say defensely as I help sharrkan up. "I only came to say that it's time for sharrkan to head back" narmes say "no" "what do you mean no" "no this boy here is mine see pat pat" I say patting his head. "Come on Carter we got to brush your hair any way" armakan says "alright but I'm waking him to Sinbad" "fair enough"

"Ok bye sharrkan dont forget me during your great adventure" I say hugging him tightly. "I could never I'll miss you ill write you ok" he says hugging me back. "Ok take care get lots of sleep on the ship ride ok and dont take any advice from sin ok" he nods.

(Later that day)

"He's gonna be fine carter" armakan says brushing my hair "I know and i understand that but he's so far away and i can't protect him from here" I say shifting to a more comfortable position. "He's fine trust me alright " he says finishing my braid "you work fast" I say turning to look at him getting on the bed. "Well I'll have to re do it in like three days so" he says "So you think he'd gonna be fine" "I know he will be now calm down ok" he say hugging me I don't remember when I did but I fell asleep during that hug.

(458 word count hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time have a good day/night

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