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Once lunch was over they all went their separate ways. Hunk and Lance went to Social Studies, Pidge went to CC12 Math, and Keith went to Language Arts.

Honestly, lunch wasn't that bad. It was kinda nice to finally be apart of a group. But he knew it wouldn't last for long. He knew something bag would happen again at home, causing him to be away from school for months on end. But he would enjoy it while it lasts.

He never had a group of friends. He only ever had Shiro and Matt. Who are both seniors which means Keith rarely sees them. Which is a total bummer. They're practically family to Keith.

That's besides the point. He had friends his age now, and he will cherish their friendship for as long as it lasts. Because frankly, he didn't want to loose them.


"Keith!" A familiar voice called out.

The black haired boy turned around, looking for a second before his eyes landed on Lance. And for the first time, he was happy to see him.

"Hey," He said softly as he stopped so Lance could catch up.

"Hey, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over after school?" Lance offered with a wide smile.

Keith sucked his breath in for a moment. His whole body deflating as he let out the air. "Sorry... Lance I cant" he said sadly. Searching the others boys eyes to see if he was mad.

But he wasn't.

"Aww the sucks,"

It did suck. It truly did suck. Keith actually wanted to spend time with Lance. He felt safer around him. More accepted.

"If you want to, we could hang out at Stargazing park?" Keith offered with a shy smile.

That causes Lances whole face to light up with excitement.
"Yeah! Totally!"

————————————- Time Skip—————-

Its been a few hours since they were at the park. Keith managed to beat Lance in the "who could swing higher game," but now they were guy laying in the grass. Using lance jacket as a blanket to lay on.

Its been along time since Keith felt this calm. Gazing at the sky as it shifted from a calm blue to a soft hue of purple and pink. The grass still wet from the morning due, there for it soaked through Lances jacket into the back of his shirt. But who cared.

"Hey Keith?"


"What do you wanna do when you grow up? Like where do you wanna go?" Lance asked.

Where do I wanna go?

"I never actually thought about that," he mumbled softly. Honestly, he'd be happy if he lived past 20. "Maybe to Washington, I heard the Seattle is a calming place." He turned his head slightly to look at Lance. Studying every inch of his face. From his ocean blue eyes to the small freckles that dance over his nose and cheeks.

"I wanna go to space," Lance said softly before fully turning his body to look at Keith.


"Yeah, space. Its calming up there. No sound of the city, no sound of others fighting, no threats of wars, nobody fighting," Lance mumbled softly his eyes locked into Keiths. "Ya know? Like its the only safe place in the world,"

Keith paused for a moment. He never knew that Lance, the annoying Lance, could be capable to have wants like this.

"Yeah, I understand." Keith said softly before turning his head to look back at the sky. "It does seem nice."

Silence fell between them. For god knows how long. And honestly, it didnt bother Keith. It also didn't bother him that Lance was still looking at him.

So thats how it went on. Keith studying the sky while Lance was studying Keith.

But what happened next surprised Keith.

He felt warmth against his finger tips. It was Lances hands. Lances hands were lacing in with Keiths. So they were holding hands. But neither of them pulled away.

It was a strange feeling though. Holding hands with other man, but it was comforting. Lances hands were soft and warm. Unlike Keiths cold ones. But Lance didn't seem to mind.

Everything was calm. Keith didn't even noticed it was 7:56.

An hour past before he had to be home.

Nor did he noticed the endless angry texts from his dad.

He was engulfed in the moment, the moment of Lances hand and his own together.



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