Stampylonghead: Let's Go Crazy

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A/N Yeah. Don't ask.

-Stampy's P.O.V-

I stood on my balcony looking out across my world, or at least part of it. I could see my waterfall, my theatre, my love garden, my mob trap and my racing car. I found myself pacing irritably up and down the balcony, my iron boots making my footsteps sound heavy. Lee was late and that meant no cake. I should probably have worried more about the bear himself, but he was quite capable of protecting himself from mobs, what with his seemingly endless supply of enchanted diamond swords and natural survival instincts. 

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure racing towards me on the ground below. Turning, I saw Lee charging towards me as fast as possible. I had barely taken in his prescence before I heard his warning cry. "Stampy! The dog house is on fire again!" he yelled up at me. Panic ripped through my body and, without thinking, I broke part of the fence and swung down to the ground below. I should probably have been more careful - the fall hurt me quite a bit, but to me my dogs were more important. Lee pulled me to my feet and we were soon both racing towards the dog house.

I ordered Lee to try and find as many of our friends as possible: I knew Squid, Amy and Finnball should be nearby. He nodded and veered off towards the house. Luckily, I had a couple buckets on me and there was water in the dog house. I broke the door open and tore inside to see the short passage in smoke. Coughing and spluttering, I burst through and ordered all my dogs to stand. Then I plunged into their pond, filled my buckets and started bailing it out into the flames. Thankfully, my dogs had the sense to crowd into the water with me.

I heard the familiar slapping of tentacles against wood and through the smoke I could see Squid tossing more water inside. The flames were dying down but the tunnel obstacle was still burning. Finnball followed Squid inside and hurriedly poured his own water bucket over the fire, which went out with a soft sizzling noise. Once the three of us had driven the smoke out, Amy poked her head in. "Are you all ok?" she asked worriedly. Squid let out a laugh. "It's under control, Amy," he replied cheerfully. Finnball had sat himself down on the remnants of the tunnel. "How on earth did this fire even start?" he pondered. I shrugged. "We never figured it out last time it happened," I added.

Lee suddenly slid past Amy and burst in. "We have Hit The Target activity!" he yelled at us. I think it took us all only a matter of seconds to be on our feet, weapons in hands and charging outside of the half-burnt dog house. Of course, my dogs were with me - Barnaby, Sherbert, Duncan, the lot. Amy had her bow loaded and ready to fire, Squid swung an iron sword angrily in the air and Finnball had both bow and sword. Lee and I had our own diamond swords, Lee's enchanted of course.

Lee said Hit The Target had gone towards the funland, so we hopped into our minecarts and raced off along the track, slowed down a little by my dogs charging ahead. We stopped at the village to see who was around. Thankfully quite a few of our friends were around - Crimson aka Craig was having a bite to eat, Rosie and Chloe were chatting in Rosie's house and ChooChoo was crafting some new armour.  When they saw us charging through, weapons in hand, most of them were confused. However Craig, one of my oldest friends, quickly sensed danger and joined us. Rosie, Chloe and ChooChoo followed.

As we raced through the funland, we saw the shadowed figure of Hit The Target jumping into a minecart and racing off the down the Creeper Coaster. For a moment I was confused - why on earth was Hit The Target going on a rollercoaster when he should be trying to fight us or run away from us? I shook my confusion away and jumped into a minecart, followed by Lee, Squid, Finnball, Craig and ChooChoo. Glancing back as I sped off, I saw Amy, Rosie and Chloe turning and running to ambush him at the other end.

To our shock and surprise, we arrived at the other end of the Creeper Coaster without encountering Hit The Target. "He can't have gotten away!" Squid exclaimed. Craig shook his head. "He had a headstart and there are plenty of places to jump off along the ride. He could have jumped out and destroyed the minecart so it looked like he had vanished," he mused. Rosie stamped the ground impatiently. "Let's go look for him then!" she insisted. I shook my head. "Another day. He won't come out again now he knows that we're all here," I replied. With a flick of my tail, everyone seperated. I remained with Amy, Squid and Lee.

"Maybe it was Hit The Target who set the dog house on fire," Lee suggested. I nodded. "Possibly," I replied. Then my original thought popped back into my head. Grinning, I looked at everyone with what must have been a mischievous expression in my eyes.

"Now, how about that morning cake?" 

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