After The Battle (Final Chapter)

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

Within about a week we had settled back into a general routine of building, playing, eating and sleeping. Our first order of buisiness had been Lee's funeral - we buried him in the Love Garden, where I could watch him evry day from my balcony. Amy spent most of her time sat next to his grave, talking to him even though she knew he couldn't hear her. The rest of us visited often to lay flowers and cake. Amy had kept the rose we found with him when he died and I had kept his sword, hiding it in my Enderchest so it would be forever safe.

One morning, a little over a week since the funeral, I sat in the clubhouse alone with Lee. The room had regained its friendly atmosphere since the battle, now being used for what it was originally made for instead of a meeting hall. "I'm confused," I stated, breaking the silence, "We're in Minecraft. Surely Lee should have just respawned in his bedroom?" Squid shook his head solemnly. "Appraently he hasn't been able to respawn, and even if he could, he would lose all memory of us." I frowned, more confused now than before. "How do you know what happens when you respawn?" I asked curiously. Squid suddenly looked extremely awkward. "Never mind that," he said sharply, "the point is, if he isn't respawning at all, then something must be going wrong somewhere in Minecraft. Something dangerous that is changing the balance of life and death." I lashed my tail. Squid had a point - this could be something major. If we couldn't respawn after death - well, eventually that would lead to the end of life in Minecraft.

"What can we do?" I asked, hopeful that Squid might have an idea on how to handle the situatiuon. Instead he sighed and said, "Until we are sure that there is something wrong with our universe, we are powerless. Besides, what could we do, if Minecraft was in danger?" Again he had a point. If something was wroong with the Minecraft universe, only Notch would have the power to save it.

But I still knew at that moment that if our universe was in peril, I would do anything within my power to save it.

A/N Did this give you an idea on what the sequel will be about? I'll give you another hint that may or may not be useful: the second book will be called Stampylonghead 2: New Worlds. So yeah, those are you hints about the second book. If you're excited, let me hear about it! Also, I'm going to publish a book called Stampylonghead: Crazy Extras which will basically be some extra stuff about the series. Original ideas that I changed, drawings of some of the scenes and maybe even looking at some scenes from the other characters' P.O.Vs. If you want to read the Extras Book, comment and let me know because I won't make it if you don't want me too. 

PS, the whole PG and Restricted thing is still being weird. This is definately NOT a PG or Restricted, Wattpad's just being weird :P 

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