Prepare The Troops!

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-Lee's P.O.V-

It was time. The day of the battle. Tonight Stampy would fly us up to Hit The Target's sky island fortress so we could take back Amy and take down our nemesis. I was bursting with anticipation: for once I looked forwards to unleashing my bear instincts on someone. In fact, all day until it was nearly sunset we were all waiting, tense, for the battle to start.

Stampy's sister returned at bout mid-day, with a pretty young pigeon whom I assumed was Zoe and a young man, about Squid's age, who I guessed to be Tomohawk. I also noticed that Squid was acting quite strangely around Tomohawk, as if he knew more about him than he was letting off. I wasn't suspicious for long, though. There were much more important things to worry about.

At about halfway through the afternoon Stampy called us together to discuss our strategy. Apparently he had flown up in the balloon already to scour the fortress with Rosie. Between them they had drawn up a map showing all the key points of the island. We all gathered around it in the clubhouse.

"We'll land here," Stampy told us, pointing to a spot on the map where large rocks would hide us from site, "We'll put some ladders on the side so that you guys can get up without the ballon being seen." Then he traced his paw across the edge of the island. "Spread out around the edge. Make sure you go right around the fortress." We nodded in agreement. "Take some things with you to block the escape routes. Only the front entrance can be open," he ordered. Finnball spoke up at this point. "So if we do that we end up with one wave of attackers coming at us?" he asked. Stampy looked thoughtful for a moment: then he replied, "Well, after we've drived his army out to the front-"

"How will we do that?" Salem asked, interuppting. "TNT," Stampy and Rosie chorused. Salem rolled her eyes and fell silent. "So the plan so far is to arrive group at a time by balloon, sneak around and block off the exits, then use TNT to drive the enemy towards us?" Mousie checked. Stampy nodded. "What about Amy? How are we going to get her out?" I asked suddenly. 

Amy. She was one thing I thought about every single day. Seeing her locked up like that... how could anyone be so cruel to somebody so perfect? It made no sense to me. More importantly, it angered me like crazy and made me want to rip every single one of Hit The Target's allies to shreds. Maybe Stampy would let me have Hit The Target all to myself to take down... Oh well, I'd have a good damn shot at killing him either way. He deserved it, after what he did to Amy. My love.

"Well, I've decided that Salem and Mousie can sneak around while we're fighting. I mentally growled with satisfaction. With those two girls getting her out, she'd be absolutely fine. Plus it would give me time to get revenge on Hit The Target. "Ok, Squid, Lee and myself will aim to reach Hit The Target," Stampy decided. Even better. Stampy now wanted me to fight him. "Once Salem and Rosie rescue Amy, they need to set off a firework that Netty managed to steal from the PC Realms when she went to get her friends. That way Lee, Squid and I will know when it's safe to go in for the kill." Perfect. Never before had I been so excited to kill one of my enemies. 

After explaining the plan, Stampy went on to assign the groups we were to fight in.

"Salem, Mousie and Rosie will go together. Rosie, I want you to make sure nobody gets in Salem and Mousie's way when they rescue Amy, ok?" Stampy ordered. Rosie dipped her head. "Right, me, Squid and Lee, obviously," he added, "Netty, stay in a group with Tomohawk and Zoe, but stay near me just in case." Netty nodded, glancing at her two friends. Stampy then went on to put thhe rest of us into groups:

Finnball, ChooChoo and Chache
Longshot, Longbow and Buildaholic
Craig, Chloe and Breadsticks

Of course, he decided to take his dogs with him. Even though he was risking their lives, he seemed confident all would go well. Mittens he decided to take too - he argued that if there were any creepers lurking about, she would easily take them down. Then, of course, there were our clones, distinguished by a sort of blue light that surrounded them. They also all had the letter C on their left shoulders. 

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