Finally, A Friendly Visitor!

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

Thank Notch Hit The Target had the decency to let us keep our Clone Machine in one piece! I immediately ordered everyone down to take it turns to have themselves cloned. Finnball was pretty much the only one who hadn't cloned before and let out a kingly yell when he saw his clone. "You look just like me!" Finnball and Clone Finnball exclaimed at exactly the same time. I saw Squid do a facepalm - this could take some time. We also decided to have every single dog in the world cloned, as well as mittens. This was especially tricky as the dogs wouldn't sit still and when we did finally get them in, they began attacking their clones the second the process was complete. Finnball and ChooChoo had stayed with Lee, Squid and I to help us, a decision I think that they very soon regretted.

It was simply chaos. Dogs at each other's heels, mauling each other and even worse, Mittens was literally trying to kill her clone. I gave a groan and sank to my knees. "I give up!" I declared, throwing down my sword on the floor beside me. Lee and Finnball collapsed beside me. I heard Squid cursing at our laziness and saw him trying to save ChooChoo from a fight between Sherbert and his clone. For a moment I thought that this cloning conundrum would never end: then I heard Rosie. Calling to me.

I dragged myself over to her, dodging a scrap between Duncan and two clones (he had accidentally been cloned twice) and followed her up the water elevator. "Thanks!" I gasped as we emerged on the surface and swam for the shore. Rosie's face was grave. "We found someone wandering aimlessly around the funland," she informed me, striding towards Stampy's Hot Buns. I stiffened - that wasn't a good sign these days. "She was demanding cake," she added, pausing outside the doors to the cafe. Sudden curiosity gripped me as I swung the door open. Who I saw rendered me speechless with shock.

The visitor was Netty Longnose. My younger sister.

She was really quite pretty. She looked much younger than she really was - great Notch, she was only a year younger than me - with beautifully groomed purple and white fur, quite like mine but of course purple instead of orange. She wore gold boots instead of my traditional iron ones but we still shared a great love for cake. She looked up halfway through a mouthful of the sweet food and her diamond blue eyes widened with excitement. "Stampy!" she yelled, quickly swallowing the cake and racing over to me. I ruffled her fur and let out a purr. Rosie's jaw fell open. "You twoo know each other?" she gasped, watching us with a stunned expression. I nodded. "She's my sister," I explained. Immediately Rosie was on her knees apologising to Netty for not realising. Netty suddenly looked awkward and slowly backed away from the hyper penguin. I laughed and pulled Rosie to her feet. 

"This calls for a cake feast!" I yelled, "Call the others, we're catching a lunch break!" Netty gave a squeal of delight whilst Rosie rolled her eyes and dashed off to fetch everyone. As soon as she had left the room, I sat down next to Netty and we began to chat.

"After you left to found your own world, I started going to Miners Academy!" she informed me excitedly. My eyes widened. Miners Academy was a prestigous school for the extremely talented to hone their skills. Students could choose to study mining, building, designing, artwork, combat, crafting and enchanting. "I studied artwork and enchanting," she informed me before the question had left my mouth, "I spent a few years there before I decided to leave on my own journey. I visited lots of worlds until I found one that I could build on. I got a couple friends to help me - you remember Tomohawk and Zoe?" I nodded eagerly. They had been some of Netty's closest friends back in our home world. Then the conversation turned serious as Netty asked me how things were going here.

"Well it started out great," I began, "I built some awesome things, tamed some dogs and made some amazing friends." I paused for a moment, wondering how to explain. "Go on!" Netty urged me. I sighed. "There was one person in particular who was one of my first friends. His name was Hit The Target," I explained, shivers running down my spine as I spoke his name, "At least, I thought he was our friiend. Then he started acting suspicious. He started building castles and whenever I went over there were so many traps that we nearly died on multiple occasions. Then he began attacking us. He... betrayed us. Since then there have been many small clashes between us when we've fought but he always escaped. But now things have changed. He's got a new fortress and an army and he also has one of our friends prisoner." Netty interuppted me here. "Why don't you just sneak in, kill this Hit The Target and get your friend? Easy peasy lemon squeezy," she suggested. I shook my head. "He's devised some kind of mechanism that will kill Amy if we kill him," I explained. Seeing Netty's confused expression, I hurriedly added, "Amy is the friend he's holding prisoner." 

Netty's jaw dropped open when I finished explaining. "You're going to war in just a week?" she squealed. I nodded slowly. Netty then jumped to her feet and drew an iron sword from her inventory. "I'm going with you!" she declared. I lashed my tail angrily. "No! What would mother think if she knew that both her children were going to war?" I hissed, "No, Netty. You have to go back to your world. It's too dangerous for you here at the moment." Netty flattened her ears. For her normally cheerful nature, she could be just as fierce as I could sometimes get. "And what would mother think if she knew I let her firstborn get killed?" she spat back, "She would just as upset. Besides, I can provide you with more allies. I can go back and fetch Zoe and Tomohawk, we'd be back by the time the day of the battle came!" I narrowed my eyes in a frustrated glare, but said nothing. As much as I hated to admit it, Netty had a point. We could get more allies through her...

The tension was interuppted by Squid bursting through the doors and screaming, "Cake party!", followed by Finnball, Longshot, Longbow, Lee, Craig, Chloe, ChooChoo, Breadsticks and Barnaby. My favourite dog (don't tell anyone!) bounded over and began over-excitably sniffing and pawing Netty, who let out a giggle and fondled him between the ears. "Where'd Rosie go?" I asked the quite hyper Squid who was dancing about on one of the tables. He showed no interest in answering me so Finnball replied instead. "She went to try and find Salem and Mousie to help them find the fortress," he explained, readjusting his crown. I nodded and turned to see everyone crowding around Netty. Squid was halfway through eating a cake as he asked, "Who... munch... are you... munch?" Netty flattened her ears awkwardly, unused to being surrounded by so many people. "I'm Stampy's sister," she mewed quietly. 

Silence gripped the room. "Stampy has a sister?" Lee gasped. I nodded and put my arm around Netty's shoulders. "Meet Netty Longnose, the second Longnose child!" I said, grinning. All of a sudden a fist flew into my face and I reeled back to see Chloe screaming, "Why didn't you tell us?" I rubbed the spot where she had struck me and grinned awkwardly. "I never saw any need to," I replied, shooting a glance at Netty who looked a little hurt. "I told Zoe and Tomohawk about you," she pointed out. As the word, "Tomohawk" left Netty's mouth I saw Squid freeze, his body going rigid for a moment. "Tomohawk..." he murmured to himself quietly. "What's up?" Craig asked, noticing Squid's tense form. "N-Nothing," he replied and went back to eating, looking much more thoughtful than he had before. I felt a little worried, but I didn't say anything. Then Lee grabbed a cake and lifted it high in the air. "Well let's party today. It may be the last chance some of us have," he said. A chill of fear ran through me at th thought of losing one of my friends to the battle that was soon to begin, but the second Chloe shoved a piece of cake into my mouth I forgot all about it.

A/N Yay! I had to write about something cheerful in this so I thought Stampy being reunited with his sister would be the best ideav :D But, we all know the relationship between Tomohawk and Squid in real life (I hope xD) so how will Squid react when Netty brings Zoe and Tomo to Stampy's world? Time alone will tell that story...

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