As The Day Draws Nearer

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-Squid's P.O.V-

The day after arriving in the Lovely World, Netty left to fetch her friends Zoe and... Tomohawk.

I knew I had a brother. I knew his name was Tomohawk. I had never met him in my life, only seen pictures of him, and I didn't even know if he knew I existed. For the next couple of days I couldn't shake the feeling off. Was it possible that the Tomohawk Netty knew was my brother Tomohawk? I guessed that time would tell, but I was uneasy with the waiting process. I was desperate to see if he really was my long-lost brother.

The days coming up to the battle were spent fortifying the house, gathering materials, training and searching for his fortress. The nerves were killing me - when I wasn't on duty I found myself pacing around in my room, wondering how the battle would turn out. Would we save Amy? Would we be able to kill Hit The Target? And most worrying of all, would we lose somebody to the fight? I know, I know, some people think that in Minecraft you respawn and go back to whatever you were doing before you were killed. It's not as simple as that. As I had found out the hard way as a child, when you respawn you lose your memory. Forget everyone and everything you've known, loved and experienced. You might be alive again, but you're back to square one, knowing nothing about anything. In fact, you're at your most vulnerable after respawning because you no longer know the basics of survival. 

You might wonder how I know so much about the side-effects of respawning. Well, in my home world, something horrible happened. Unimaginably terrible for someone my age, for I was only seven at the time. There was a mob uprising. You see, I lived in a world ruled by a powerful king. He ruled our world and had certain control of many, many others. The reason he was so powerful? Well, my king was Notch. I was born in Notch's home world.

I'm not lying, it's true. There was an enormous castle in the centre of the world guarded by hundreds - no, thousands - of soldiers. In the buildings closest to the castle lived the Steve Race - in other words, humans that were not villagers. People like me, Stampy, Lee and everyone else in the world. There were few pureblood Steves remaining - the Steves with the traditional short brown hair, light blue t-shirt and dark blue trousers. Craig's a pureblood Steve - the only one I've ever really known.

Anyway, Notch kept all mobs in check. Any found lurking in his world were caged and sentenced to immediate death.  We had to keep them in check - if we didn't then they posed a threat to the kingdom. Anyway, one day Notch left on some 'important buisiness' that involved four days travel to another world. It was only two days after he left that wave after wave of mobs attacked us. My mother as brave - she sent me with the other children in the village to the emergency bukers in the castle dungeons. She stayed behind to fight.

After the battle, I was led to a room by a soldier where the Villagers and Steves who had been killed had respawned. I remember the shock of seeing my mother in there, looking bewildered. When I spoke to her she didn't have a clue who I was. Later, when we returned to our half-destroyed home, she found a folder with some photos and asked me who the people in them were.

One of the pictures showed Tomohawk.

I didn't know it at the time, so I just shrugged and gave them back to her. Later, when Notch returned and after he had ordered the restoration of the kingdom, I requested permission to see him about the picture and I was let in.

You're probably thinking, "OMG Why would you be allowed to see Notch the creator of Minecraft itself in private??" Well, in all honesty, he can be the most normal person you can come across. Except that he's a little forgetful. And scatterbrained. So, yeah. Anyways, he examined my photo and matched it to a person. Tomohawk. And that was the first time I found out I had a twin brother. 

Since then I decided to start my travels early in search of him, but I never found hiim. Then I stumbled across Stampy's world and, well - you know the rest of the story.

I sat on my bed now, exhausted by my constant pacing and put my head in my hands. Everything was so confusing, I just didn't know what to do. It was two days until the battle and there was no sign of even finding out where the fortress was. 

Then I heard the alarm go off. A siren, echoing throughout the house, summoning us to the clubhouse which had become our main meeting point. I jumped off of my bed and dashed out of my room, almost bumping into Breadsticks as I did so. "What's going on?" I asked him confused. He shrugged. "Beats me," was his simple reply as we charged along the corridors leading to the clubhouse. "Don't ask me either, 'cause I'm just as clueless," came a voice behind us. I whipped around, nearly jumping out of my skin in fright, to see Finnball and ChooChoo racing along behind us. "Ask you? I never realised you were there!" I exclaimed as we climbed the stairs into the clubhouse. Everyone else was already there. Salem, Rosie and Mousie were explaining something to Stampy, who was listening with wide eyes.

I took my normal seat bewteen Stampy's and ChooChoo and waited as the girls finished explaining to the orange cat. Looking both serious and excited (A/N Don't ask how that's possible) he took his seat and banged his sword on the table with his usual cry of "Order in the clubhouse!" I heard Finnball mutter to Craig, "It's like a court in here!" and I giggled with faint amusemnt. Stampy shot me a glare before making his announcement. 

"There has been a breakthrough. Salem, Mousie and Rosie have discovered the location of Hit The Target's fortress."

There were whispers and murmurs of excitement and anticipation as Stampy indicated for the three girls to stand up and speak. "When we patrolling the spruce forest beyond the funland, we realised that something was wrong," Salem began, catching everyone's attention, "It was too dark. I mean, it's always dark, but this was unusually dark. So we looked up at the sky and..." I felt my heart stop beating for a moment and the air crackled with tension.

"We've been looking in the wrong place. Hit The Target's fortress is on a huge sky island high above the spruce forests beyond the funland."

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the clubhouse as people began discussing what this meant. "How do we get up there?" ChooChoo asked. There was a pause for a moment and then Breadsticks spoke up. "Stampy has a ballon, right? He can fly us up there a group at a time. If we attack at night, he'll never see us." There were nods of agreement across the room. "Then it's settled," Stampy declared, "Netty should be back tomorrow with Zoe and Tomohawk and then we can attack tomorrow night."

I felt my stomach churning. This was it. Tomorrow night, we would be risking a lives for the very existence of the Lovely World. For Amy. For our lives.

A/N Sorry if it's a bit worse than normal, I literally justv wrote two chapters in a row for you guys :P But hey, we now know Squid's life story and the location of Hit The Target's fortress! The best part of the book is now just a chapter or two round the corner...

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