Fun in the Secret Base

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

I sat in the clubhouse, Squid and Amy at my side and Longbow turning up the music in the DJ booth. it turned out that others in our world, like Longbow, Longshot and Breadsticks, had been fixing the SS Stampy, as it appeared to have a leak in the bottom of it. They'd had no idea that Hit The Target was attacking once again. "If we'd known we'd have helped," Breadsticks had said, reminding me of the loyalty we had to each other. Like Craig, Breadsticks had been a good friend for quite a long time.

Me, Amy and Squid were sharing some cake - yeah, that's right, I shared cake for once - when Lee wandered in, looking as if something was on his mind. I paused between mouthfulls of delicious freshly baked cake and looked up at the bear. "What's up?" I asked him, licking sweet, sugary icing from my furry lips. Lee sat down with us and sighed. "It's just that what with Hit The Target's attack a couple days ago, I'm becoming an little concerned about our defences," he told me worriedly. Squid gave a little snort. "What are we meant to do? We can't exactly make some crazy invention that will wipe him from the face of the earth! We all know how bad Stamps is at redstone!" he retorted. Amy placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Squid," she murmured. 

I gave a little laugh. "It's true what he said, though," I said to Lee, pausing to look at him again. He looked dishevelled, as though he had not slept well. "I didn't mean make a crazy redstone invention - I meant we need to put better defences in the secret base. Amy's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! C'mon you guys, lets go now!" she squealed as she jumped up, grabbed Squid by one tentacle and dragged him off. I glanced in confusion at Lee and followed. "Come on, Longbow!" I called to the DJ and he happily followed after us. 

Amy was racing ahead at incredible speed, dragging poor Squid behind her. "Amy... slow down," he moaned as the beautiful mermaid slid into the water. We had to go down a hidden-but-not-so-hidden underwater tunnel to get to the base and clearly my two ocean-dwelling friends were eager to get wet. At least, Amy was. Squid was looking quite dizzy at being pulled through the house at such speed by our excitable mermaid friend. 

Though I must say, despite being a cat, I too was eager to cool of in the cool water. It was extremely hot. I launched myself high in the air and landed in the water with a splash that sent waves rippling out in all directions. Lee wiped some of the droplets from his eyes before grinning and leaping in on top of me. I gurgled as my head was shoved underwater and thankfully, at the sound, Lee flipped over andd pulled me to the surface. Longbow was tentavively dabbing his feet in at the water's edge, hesitant to enter the pond with us. However, he was forced to get himself wet - no, soaked - when Amy leapt up and pulled him in by his ankles. 

Longbow rose to the surface, spluttering and spitting water out of his mouth. "Why you!" he yelled at Amy, a grin spreading on his face. I gave a laugh and began to swim swiftly across to the entrace to the secret base. Squid followed, gliding smoothly through the water with Amy at his side. They were the better swimmers in the group: they were, after all, sea creatures. Longbow and Lee followed more slowly, paddling clumsily through the water. Lee ducked below the surface at one point and re-appeared, coughing water out of his mouth. "It tastes salty!" he grimaced, continueing on with his head lifted higher above the water. I laughed. "It is part of the sea, remember?" I reminded him. Lee gave a snort and we all dived down the glass tube to the secret base.

Inside it was much warmer, and I used some flint and steel to light a fire on a single block in the pool in the centre of the base. Luckily, the surrounding water prevented the flames from spreading throughout the rest of the room: now that would be a disaster! I spent a few minutes with Lee, basking in the heat of the flames as I dried my fur. Meanwhile, Longbow, Squid and Amy were resetting the combination lock for the other entrance. After I had thoroughly dried my fur, I went to put a password on the clone machine so that only my friends and I could use it. Unfortunately, it required the usage of redstone, and I was absolutely awful at redstone. In the end, Longbow had to come over and fix it for me.

Lee was busy adding new features and mechanisms to the bunker, which involved chests with armour, weapons and food in case we were stuck in there for a long time or Hit The Target somehow broke in and attacked whilst we were sheltering there. After finishing the new combunation lock, Longbow, Squid and Amy set to work making the Time Machine for efficient and easy to use. 

Suddenly, I felt something hit me quite hard in the back. I whipped around with a snarl, expecting to see Hit The Target hiding somewhere, but was greeted with the absolutely hysterical Lee. I opened my mouth to complain but the sweet, tantalizing scent of cake filled my nose. I turned my head and saw that the 'thing' that had hit me in the back was, in fact, a cake. I gave a cry of delight and began desperately tring to lick the icing and crumbs out of my fur. "You'll have to go to the Pretty Kitty Spa to get that cleaned up!" Longbow advised me. I gave a low, playful growl. Lee was in for it now! With the smothered yowl of a kung-fu kitten, I hurled myself at Lee, and we continued to roll across the floor, entangled in our play.

Then things went disastorously wrong.

We crashed into the controls for the Time Machine and my head snapped up at the sound of the iron doors slamming shut. My eyes fixed on the desperate figure of Amy, now trapped inside the Time Machine, about to be sent spiralling through time to the unknown. I gave a cry of horror and scrambled to my paws, flinging chunks of cake everywhere as I did so. But it was too late. The redstone was firing up and, in a flash of golden light, she was gone. Amy was gone, spiralling off to an unknown point in time. 

And it was all my fault. 

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