Team Meeting (With An Unexpected Interruption)

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-Squid's P.O.V-

After reading the note, we decided to call together every single member of the Lovely World. Stampy ordered an immediate meeting in the clubhouse and the message spread through the world like a forest fire. Stampy sat at the head of the table with myself and Lee on either side of him. Lee was absolutely fuming: he kept lashing his sword around in mid air whenever he spoke and he seemed quite determined to kill Hit The Target.

"Order in the clubhouse!" Stampy demanded, banging the handle of his sword on the table. Everyone fell silent. "I've called us here today to discuss the issue of Amy's kidnapping a x Hit The Target's proposal of war," he began, "I already have a clever plan." I saw Finnball roll his eyes and no wonder, for Stampy's clever plans often included near-death situations, some of the most complicated redstone devices in the world and nearly ninety per cent of the time backfired due to his terrible redstone skills. "I believe we should begin by all going down to the Secret Base and cloning ourselves so we have more things!" he declared, "We can clone armour and weapons as well!" 

For a moment nobody spoke. I think most of us were astonished that Stampy had come up with a decent plan for once! Then Rosie spoke up. "You know what he wrote in the note carried by the sea serpent," she reminded him, "He's been in the Secret Base, he could've already done the same thing or stolen it." Murmurs arose from the group as people agreed with Rosie. Stampy banged his sword on the table again. "If it isn't there, we'll just have to come up with a Plan B," he told everyone. I sighed. "He should probably make a Plan B when he makes the Plan A," I muttered to ChooChoo, who was also sat with me. He nodded in agreement. Stampy must've heard me, because the next thing he said was, "Perhaps Squid has an idea?" whilst giving me an irritated look. I glanced around the room nervously. "Well... we could send a scouting party to try and find Hit The Target's Fortress so we can devise an attack strategy?" I suggested, hopeful that someone would agree. Stampy simnply nodded and returned to a list of things he had decided to bring up in the meeting. 

"A good idea," he murmured as he crossed out something on the list, "Right, any volunteers to go and search for the Fortress?" For a moment nobody raised their hands. I felt a little awkward as multiple people glanced at me expectantly. Then Salem lifted her hand, saving me. "I'll take a few people," she offered. Stampy nodded and glanced around. Slowly, Mousie and Rosie lifted their hands. "Amy is our friend," Mousie said determindly, "We want to help find her." Stampy nodded in approval and jotted the names down. "Take some dogs," he advised Salem and she nodded in agreement. 

I saw Lee raise his hand. Stampy turned to him expectantly. "May I be-" he began, but he never finished the sentence. There was a sudden fizzing sound and every light in the room went out. Some people let out cries of alarm and I heard the two dogs Stampy had brought with him, Duncan and Gregory Jr, erupt into angry growls and snarls. I instinctively reached for my sword and gripped it tightly. Stampy let out a yell that silenced everyone, but his cry was drowned out by a voice that boomed throught the clubhouse. A huge screen was projected onto one wall and my breath caught in my throat when I saw whose face was on it.

Hit The Target.

Stampy's dogs were now going wild, yelping and snarling with Stampy barely able to hold them still. "Why hello there, Lovely World soldiers!" boomed Hit The Target his gaze flicking across the table. Stampy rose to his feet. "What do you want?" he growled, his orange tail lashing furiously from side to side. Hit The Target met his green gaze steadily. "To give you another message, of course," he replied smoothly, readjusting his gold and red helmet. Notch knows where he gets the material for that armour from...

"Spit it out!" snarled Lee, and I saw his fur was bristling. Don't let your bear instincts take over in front of everyone in the world, I silently begged him. Hit The Target laughed darkly. "Naturally," he replied, in a calm voice that infuriated Lee even more. "I'm here to inform you that you now have exactly one week until the day of the battle," he announced, to everyone's shock, "If you have not shown up by midnight on that day, the mermaid will be killed." Mousie gave a horrified scream and fainted on the spot. Lee snarled at Hit The Target again. "Where is she?" he demanded. Hit The Target laughed again. "Right here," he replied, grinning.

He stepped back, waving his gold-edged blood red cloak aside to reveal a cage. Amy was held in that cage, looking tired, thirsty, hungry and overall extremely weak. A scar snaked across one of her arms. Lee gave a shriek as he saw her and leapt onto the table. Longbow and I jumped up after him and grabbed hold of an arm each to stop him from attacking a projection. Amy slowly blinked her eyes open, but the widened as soon as she saw them all. "AMY!" Salem and Rosie screeched at the same time and leapt to their feet, even though they knew they could do nothing to help her. Amy said nothing, but stared at them with eyes filled with terror. Some of the others gave gasps of shock and horror. Stampy banged the table with his sword again - geez, it was getting annoying - and snarled at Hit The Target. "Don't worry about us," he snapped, "We'll be there on time and we will not loose."

I turned away from Lee and pointed my sword at the screen. "Don't you dare threaten or harm any of my freinds!" I roared. To my surprise, everyone else did the same thing, yelling at the startled Hit The Target and pointing their swords threateningly at him. Hit The Target brandished his own sword. "Bring it on!" he spat viciously, and the screen went out, leaving them in darkness.

Fury churned inside me. If we couldn't find and defeat Hit The Target within one week, Amy would be dead. I had absolute faith in ourselves that we would save her, but I was now extremely worried about what Hit The Target had brought upon the Lovely World.

Ultimate war was about to break out. 

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