If Your Friend Attacks A Sea Serpent, You Should Too

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

The next few days were spent pretty much turning the house into a fortress. After Amy had disappeared, we had found an arrow in her bedroom - Hit The Target's signature symbol. When he found it Lee went absolutely crazy and demanded that we prepare for war. War didn't seem particularly likely but after seeing Lee's bear instincts in action, I thought it would be a good idea to agree with him. So that was why we were now desperately trying to lure Harrison into the house from atop his hill.

"For Notch's sake, just get in the minecart!" Longshot groaned. He and Longbow were helping me move Harrison down into our house. However, the villager was being annoyingly stubborn. Longbow pushed Harrison a little further but he just turned aroundand went back inside. "I give up!" I cried after accidentally setting the minecart off to the house - without Harrison in it. "We can just fortify his house and post a dog or something here to guard him." Longbow rolled his eyes. "Stamps, that would've been helpful about an hour ago, when we started doing this!" he sighed. I scratched my head awkwardly. "Sorry 'bout that!" I replied, grinning.

At that moment there was the sound of footsteps and we all turned to see Rosie approaching us. The penguin looked weary - she had gotten little rest since she discovered her friend had been sent spiralling off through time. "Stampy, you should probably come and see this!" she called up to us from the bottom of the hill. I glanced at Longshot and Longbow, who simply shrugged and went back to do one final attempt at moving Harrison. I jumped down the hill and joined Rosie, who was now running off towards my farm.

"Wait, where are we going?" I yelled after her. She did not reply. Instead, she kept running, past the farm, past the doghouse, past the shops to where the S.S Stampy was docked with my submarine. Now I was even more confused. There were guard dogs at each entrance to the house now and that included the docks where my boat and submarine were. Surely nobody could've invaded from the sea?

We approached to find Lee, Squid, Craig and Chloe stariing at something in the water. I pushed my way in between Lee and Squid to try and get a look at what they were staring at. For a moment I could see nothing out in the vast ocean - then I spotted a dark shadow moving beneath the surface. "What is that?" I gasped. Lee gave a growl. "That's what we're trying to figure out," he replied. I studied it closer. It was long, great Notch it was incredibly long. Thirty feet, perhaps? There appeared to be a bulge at one end that could possibly be a head. It was turning circle pretty far out, but close enough to reach us before we could flee. I was about to order everyone to board the submarine when I heard the elastic sounds of a bow being pulled back, ready to fire. It was Squid, preparing to shoot at the underwater... thing.

I immediately jumped forwards to try and stop Squid from shooting, but it was too late. The arrow sailed through the air, unwavered by the coastal breeze and hit the creature. There was terrified silence among us on the shore for a moment as the creature stopped moving. The ripples it caused as it moved disappeared. There was no sound or sign of it whatsoever.

Then there was a crashing noise as it leapt out of the water and dived back down again, giving a deafingly loud shriek as it erupted from the sea. Its huge snake-like body sent massive waves in all directions and even over on the dock we were touched by the spray. There was a bloodcurling war cry from Squid and his armour-clad figure plunged into the water. "How on earth did he get that armour?" Chloe exclaimed, gawping at the shining iron helmet that adorned Squid's head. Lee shrugged and watched. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and drew my iron sword. "Stampy... I've known for a long time so I'm telling you now that what you and Squid are doing is madness..." Craig warned me in a low voice. I shrugged and pulled a gold chestplate I just so happened to have with me on before preparing to dive in. "You know what they say," I replied, "If your friend attacks a sea serpent, you should too!"

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