A/N - CONTEST!!!! (closed)

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'Sup guys! I know, I finished this a little while ago now, but I've had feedback on this book and the sequel beyond anything I expected. Now we're just 120 reads from ONE THOUSAND READS and THREE VOTES FROM FORTY. So, whilst I'm waiting for the time to come for the fifty follower contest (nine to go guys!) I decided to open this up. So, here's what you have to do.

For this contest you have to write one diary entry from the P.O.V of any of the characters in this book. It can be set at any point in the book. So, you could have Netty on the day she found Stampy's world, Amy's when she was sent through time, maybe even Hit The Target's! You choose. Just make sure it's a diary entry about an event in this book. NOT THE SEQUEL. THIS BOOK.

I'm going to give you all a week to do this. So today is Saturday 9th August - I want them done by Saturday 16th August. I will accept entries completed on the day, but not the day after. I will post a message when the contest is closed, so remember to check your e-mails next saturday!

When you have completed your entry, send me a private message with a link to the story. I will not judge them on grammar and spelling - I will be looking at how emotion and feelings are shown and how unique the entry is. Tip - try as hard as you can to imagine you are the character writing the entry (e.g if you are writing an entry about Hit The Target planning war, include things like motives. Imagine why he might have wanted to start the war). 

The prizes will be for first, second and third place (duh)

First - Shout-out, dedication, get to have your character/yourself featured in a story of your choice
Second - Shout-out, dedication
Third - Dedication

So, that's that! Leave a comment if you are confused about anbything ^^ you have one week!!

UPDATE!!!!! Screw what I said at the beginning, this has surpassed 1000 now! How are there that many people here who want to sit through the work of an average twelve-year-old?! WHY ARE YOU NOT HAVING A LIFE AND INSTEAD WASTING IT ON MY BOOKS? Jk, jk, obviously this must mean something to you or you wouldn't have read it... xD

UPDATE AGAIN!!! This competition is now closed. Any entries received now will not be accepted. I had four entries :P Well at least it's not a case of 'everyone is guaranteed some kind of prize'.

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