Bear Instincts and Cat Souls and Squid Hearts, Oh My!

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-Lee's P.O.V-

I lifted my head, fury churning inside me. I had never been mad at Stampy in my life - it felt almost strange to have all these negative emotions hurled at him. Yet I couldn't stop myself - he had gone and sent Amy flying through time to Notch knows where. 

To tell the truth, I had a little secret. I had a bit of a crush on Amy... I suppose it was the fear for the girl I loved that made me so enraged. I gave a snarlo and lifted my fist, ready to strike him. I know that in the depths of my heart, I didn't want to - in fact, it felt almost as if I was no longer in control. I went... crazy. 

Just before I could hit the terrified cat, a tentacle curled around my wrist and wrenched my arm back. "In the name of Notch, Lee, what the hell are you doing?" Squid hissed. I tugged my arm free and slammed him against the wall, rage burning in my stomach. "He sent Amy to some distant time," I spat, "When you sent Stampy back in time, he said he found dinosaurs. He was barely able to handle them. Amy will get herself killed." Squid met my gaze steadily. "If a friend's life is so important to you," he murmured softly, "How come you never got mad at me when I put Stampy in danger?" My bear instincts were on now. They raged like a fire in my soul, taking over my mind and turning me... wild. Untamed. 

"You cannot understand, sea-dweller," I snorted, "You do not have a bear's heart." Again his tone was even as he replied, "If this is the heart of a bear speaking, then I'm quite fine as I am." I cannot begin to describe how angry I was  now. I reached to my belt and drew my diamond sword from its scabbard. "Do you want to fight?" I hissed. Squid drew his own diamond weapon and pointed it straight at me. "We have a battle," he replied.

I lifted my sword high into the air and brought it crashing down towards Squid's head. There was a loud metallic noise as the two swords crashed together: then he was driving me back, making swift lunges at me. I parried each blow easily. Longbow yelled something to us but I did not hear. Instead I constantly switched between offense and defense as me and Squid fought. He lifted his sword and it came plunging towards my skull. I lifted my sword to parry: however, with admirable swiftness, he threw his sword into another tentacle and slashed my leg. I howled in pain before dropping my sword, leaping back and drawing an arrow ready to fire. Longbow screamed again, but his cry was drowned out by another sound.

There was another shriek that filled the room. Not a scream of desperation like Longbow's, nor a roar of fury like mine and Squid's. This unearthly wail was full of sorrow and grief. I felt my sword fall from my hand and clatter to the floor: Squid sheathed his own. Longbow, Squid and I turned to face Stampy. He seemed to be glowing - waves of golden light seemed to be rippling from him in waves. The light grew brighter until strands of it broke apart and began weaving around us. At once my bear instincts began to fade. My hatred turned to the same sorrow that had resonated in Stampy's wails and I began regretting clashing swords with my friend. Squid stumbled through the now blinding light to reach Stampy.

-Squid's P.O.V-

I couldn't see Stampy but I knew he was causing this light. I knew I had to calm him down - Lee's bear instincts were too fresh for him to do anything and Longbow and Stampy weren't close enough for him to do anything. In fact, I was the only one who actually knew what was happening at that moment. Stampy had once told me a secret of his about cat souls. "When we suffer great pain of any sorts, whether it's physical wounds or grief, our souls emerge from our body and start emitting some great power," he had said, "If ever that happens to me, Squid, you must calm me down before I end up destroying the Lovely World." I was still struggling towards him - the wavves of power coming from him were incredible. Eventually, I was able to reach his side.

His soul had become so bright I could see it. A golden orb sitting comfortably on hiss lap, arrows of light shooting out from it in all directions. Stampy himself was in tears - they reflected the light formed by his soul and made it even brighter. I wrapped a tentacle around him and pulled him close to me. I tried to whisper comforting words to him, but he drowned them out with his wails. I was thinking fast. How to calm down a grief-stricken cat with a soul that's about to destroy the world? I had an idea. It was simple, but knowing Stampy, it would do. 

"CAKE!" I screeched and let my tentacles reach out to catch one. I felt it hit one of my tentacles and I reeled it in to feed to Stampy. He paused when he sniffed the sweet icing and, very slowly, began taking bites out of it. As he ate, the light seemed to gradually fade until he had returned to normal. I stayed with him for a few minutes, murmuring more comforts to him.

-Longbow's P.O.V-

It was simply incredible. First Lee had gone crazy and attacked Squid, then some weird aura light thing had surrounded Stampy and now Squid was there calming the sobbing cat. I remember Longshot had told me once that the animals had powers - it suddenly came back to me.

Lee's protective bear instincts.

Stampy's destructive soul power.

Squid's kind and caring heart. 

There was something about them that made me think. If ever the Lovely World was in danger, it would take their powers to save us all. 

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I want to apologise here for not updating my stories recently. Pwease forgive me :( *offers cupcakes* Ok, see y'all later!

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