Heather Chapter 2 - Prison Life

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           She was trying really hard to wake up her best friend.
           "Shadow," she wispered "please wake up. I'm depending on you." When her friend woke up, she could escape(with him). But she heard a voice behind her. Heather saw the Queen disappear in the dark corridor.  What she saw next was, in her opinion, completely impossible. Another Night Flyer. Why is she here? Heather thought. Then she scolded herself. She! Heather screamed at herself internally. Obviously the Queen needed more Night Flyers. Again she scolded herself. She wants to raise an army and get of my little rebellious group. Also wants to somehow get on my good side and let me surrender, while also keeping peace in her kingdom. Heather thought.
            Heather used to work for the Queen. She used to capture dragons for her and kill them. How she had gotten her dragon Shadow, was part of this. The deadly Night Flyer had been threatening the palace for weeks and the Queen had made Heather go after it.
               She shot down the nearly invisible dragon. He landed in the tall glass plains. Heather hadn't killed him because she felt bad. A strong warrior of the sky shouldn't be killed by her, a lowly human. Instead Heather had spared Shadow. She then saw that a part of the dragon's wing had been sliced off in the middle. The next day she had come to the spot with darkly colored fabrics and stiched his wing back together in a way that would allow him to fly and heal the thin membrane on the wing at the same time.
         After this, the dragon had gone off, but mysteriously, her small cabin in the woods would receive a pile of freshly killed fish in the morning.
         Shadow needed to wake up. Heather then realised that the dragon was staring intently at her. She put out her hand, extending out, and putting it between the cages.
        "I don't want to hurt you, and when my friend  wakes up, we can escape." Heather whispered.
         "Escape," the dragon spoke softly, "I've given up on escape." Baffled, and confused, Heather looked at the dragon. She speaks! But that's impossible! No dragon can speak for all that I know! Am I going crazy? Heather thought.
         "I know, all right!" Saffire cried, "You think it's impossible that I can talk. Well your stupid Queen forced me to. I've never had a happy day in the 13 years of my life."
         "Don't give up on escape so easily," Heather exclaimed. Heather explained the plan to Saffire, and they exchanged names( told them to eachother). As soon as Shadow woke up, their escape would start.
         "Saffire, you have to tell shadow the plan, or he'll get confused as of what's going on." Heather explained. Saffire nodded in agreement. The escape would begin soon. Today was the eclipse and what Heather really wanted to do was to see it, but the prison cage wouldn't allow it.

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