Heather Chapter 5 - The Base

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       They had escaped and Heather rejoiced. But now it was getting away from the guards that mattered. Heather had a plan as soon as she saw The Silent Lake. She took their waterskins out of the bag. She had taken some of the explosive metal with her. She threw it at her persuers feet, then dumped water on them
       She had accidentally found it while swimming there. It was a gap underwater that led to their base underneath a small village. The small tunnel worked strangely with gravity, so water didn't flood it it.  
         Heather looked at Shadow and realised he was already aiming his dive to the tunnel and  steered Saffire into it too. She heard some of the guards shouting "They can't get away!" And "Cover the lake after they dive in so we can catch them!"
           Fat chance, she thought, with a smug grin. The water surrounded them for only a moment until they got to the tunnel. That didn't stop her from being soaking wet though. She went to her room and changed into fresh clothes and her thick Screamwing scale armor(sheded scales). Then she went to their meet room. Before  she went in, she listened into their conversation.
            "We need a plan to get her or we'll be captured," Lucas stated. He was blond, with dark blue eyes. He was very skilled at fighting, and usually wielded two broadswords.
           "I think that's about our best idea yet," Luna said sarcastically. She was small and had midnight black hair. Her eyes were a beautiful dark blue, and she was a skilled cook.
           "What if they start torturing her?" Gabriel said worridly, "We have to go save her, NOW."
          Gabe acted like he was the leader, even though he clearly wasn't. He had dark hair and warm brown eyes.
           "That would be really bad," The twins agreed. Thea was short with red hair and amber eyes, just like her brother. They also had a very go-with- the-flow kind of personality.
           "Yea, let's go save her before anything bad happens to her." Daniel said. Daniel had green eyes and black hair. He  was very smart, but always worried. He was really strong, agile and tall. He was overall a lovable peron.
          "No need," Heather smirked, "I did it by my self."
          "How?" All six of her friends asked. Heather gestured to Saffire, do was trying not to to be noticed. They all gasped, as it was shocking to see another Night Flyer.
          "Oh and we need armor to these dragons." Heather said gesturing to all of their dragons.
            Lucas's dragon was the Thunderwing. It could summon a thunder storm or a rain cloud. His name was Cloud.
           Luna's dragon was a beautiful wyvren that could summon a tidal wave and a huricane. Her name was Typhoon. She could breath fire that was blue.
          Gabriel's dragon was also a wyvren, but his had much larger wings and could fly extremely fast. His name was Inferno, mostly because he was like a living oven.
         The girl twin, Thea, had an Elemental dragon. They could shapeshift into lizards, snakes and eels. The element she controlled was nature. Her name was Forest.
         Her brother, Tony, had a Shadewing.His name was Darkness. He blended into any shadowy area and had the power to control the minds of alligators and sharks.
          Daniel's dragon, Frostbite, was a Snowcloud dragon. She could summon a blizzard that blinded her enemies.
          But Heather's dragon, Shadow, was the most dangerous out of them all. He possessed all their abilities, including the ability to kill humans with his mind. He could only use this ability once a year, but it lasted all day.
         All of the dragon armor was done, even Saffire's. Each one was colored in a way that you couldn't tell that they had armor on. They just looked normal. She went outside to breath fresh air.

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