Chapter 13 - The Inescapable Truth

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**** unknown point of veiw ****

        She felt Saffire's nerves getting tenser every second.
        "I'm not a Star Flyer and Saffire isn't a Night Flyer," Quasar said,"We're  both half and half. Real Night Flyers don't have stars."
        Peering at the bunch, She felt a strong force between them. Their bond as brother and sister grew stronger, and a bright white light engulfed the room, as she stepped into veiw. Saffire looked at the being with hatred in her eyes. The being stepped forth, looking brighter and brighter every second. It touched Heather's head. It's voice was soft and powerful, "I have returned you to your true form. Now Heather, I bring to you the traitor in your midst." A blinding light flashed for one second, causing Saffire, Quasar and Heather to look away. Before them stood Angel, looking dark and wretched. She was standing like a dragon, and slowely changing. She had two horns, dark gray skin and two scaley dragon wings.  Her eyes glowed black, as she looked at them. On one of her arms was a black bracelet that glowed red, and it had the Queen's crest on it.
        She was not Angel at all, but the rarest kind of dragon in the kingdom. The Shifter.

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