Heather Chapter 10 - Escape

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        Heather signaled, all dragons in arena to her friends. They looked at her ad signaled, ok we are coming to save you and them. Heather looked at t8he guards and signaled, NOW! 
        The dragons lunged at the arena and took out the guards. Then they unlached the metal above the arena. Dragons were pouring out, all of them trying to kill the others while flying out. None died though, and thankfully none were badly injured.
        "SAFFIRE WHERE ARE YOU! WHERE IS SHADOW!" Heather yelled.
        "OVER HERE!" Saffire responded gleefully. Heather walked over and looked at the calm Sand Striker and the purple Night Flyer. She looked at them, and thought, what are your names? Suddenly the answer appeared in her head. Sand Storm, one said, while the other said, Violet. Heather peered at them, confused. We only answered your question, our savior, both voiced stated.
        "You can talk," Heather realized, "YOU CAN TALK!" Only in your mind.  The voices responded.
        "Can I talk with you in my mind?" Heather asked.
        She heard a soft chuckle. Only sometimes. Heather turned around and looked at the dragon talking to her. I'm a friend, don't worry.
        Heather glanced quickly at the Sand Stryker. He was peering at her intently, looking at her clothes. What are those? He asked, pointing to her armor and clothes. "My armor and my clothes," she responded.
      Come on! We got to go! Violet's voice screamed at her. "Come on Shadow!" Heather said nerviously, "Let's go!"
        Heather mounted Shadow and they left the arena, taking the long and confusing route to their base, so they wouldn't be followed. She noticed that Violet and Sandstorm had followed her, and had brought another dragon with them.
          He was  male, glowing white. They looked like a Night Flyer, but without tail spikes. Then it hit her, A Sky Flyer! I thought those were extinct!
       "Hey, Saffire can you find out that dragon's name?" Heather asked. Sure enough she did, and his name was Quasar. She saw him looking at her with an indisribable. It looked
like misery, rage and confusion. All very different emotions.
        Hmm, Heather thought, I wonder what's bothering him. Is it me? I home it's not me. Then she contacted Sandstorm and asked if Quasar was ok.
        Do not worry he is fine. He has been through a lot. Was the only response she got. She studied him though. She tried to ask him, but she couldn't.
        Maybe he is blocking me out. He looks super worried. Is it me? He keeps glancing at me and looking away. I think I can only contact certain dragons. Like, I can't talk to Shadow. Hmm this is all very strange. Heather thought, glancing acasoinally at Quasar. He was indeed a peculiar dragon. He was different from the Night Flyers, and was probably rarer. He seemed to like the other dragons. It seemed like he disliked her though.
        Unsure of what to do next, she pondered about the armor. His scaled glow, making it almost impossible to create his armor.
        Perhaps Trapwing Amber. That might work, although we might have to see what we can do about the coloring. This is going to be tricky. Heather thought, as she stared at the empty night sky, where no stars could be seen; not even the moon dared to glow on the black night.

The Prisoner (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora