Heather Chapter 14- What Happened?

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Heather looked down at herself and was shocked. She had he body of a sky blue dragon with white horns, white chest, white claws and white fading into sky blue wings. She also had violet eyes. She looked into a mirror, and nearly jumped backwards. She was a Sky Flyer. What happened to me? What happened to this place? Heather thought, confused.
You have been returned to your true form dear, A voice responded, that "Queen" used her magics to turn you into a human. You are the last of your kind on this planet. Also, your real name is Caelum (pronounced say-lum). Heather/Caelum suddenly remembered that there was a Shifter standing in front of her.
"Shifter," She hissed, "Traitorus Shifter. I don't do well with traitors."
"C-c-c-aelum? Is that y-you?" The Shifter asked, stuttering,"P-p-please help me Caelum, you're my only hope."
        All of Caelum's memories came back to her. This shifter was her childhood friend, Asími.
Then Asími lunged at her. The bracelet... Asími thought.
        Caelum tore the bracelet off of Asími's wrist, causing her to change. Her gray scales turned to a sparkling silver, the wings turning to a gold color, and Asími's eyes turning to a non-threatening light purple. Asími hugged Caelum and thanked her.
        "What happened to you?" Caelum asked, "You literally just changed."
         "That stupid Queen put a curse on the bracelet to change my appearance and for me to be her slave  and do her bidding," Asími spat.
        Caelum stared at a hole in the ceiling. Then, as she turned around, hundreds Dragon Fighters jumped through the ceiling hole and started attacking. All the dragon's flew through the secret entrance. Caelum saw that her friends had turned into dragons that matched their personality. They all flew to the clouds for cover.  The Dragon Fighters were still shooting arrows, so the group had to flee to the coast. They were pushed off to sea, and had to travel across the ocean to an island. The island they found was not one island, but 9. In the  middle was a small island with 8 larger islands surrounding it. One was covered in ice, one was completely underwater, there was a mountainous  one, a desert, a rainforest and one was flat with a lake in the center. There was a forest and one that had fog  surrounding it. The islands looked mysterious and the fog was very uninviting.The group landed in the closest island, the icy one. They dug a cave in the cliff side and spent the night there. Caelum noticed shadow coming towards her.
         "Caelum... I've been wanting to tell you something for a while," Shadow confessed, "I-I-I love you."
         "I love you too Shadow," Caelum said.
         Shadow asked, "Will you be my mate?"
        Caelum nudged his head towards her. "I would love to."

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