Shadow Chapter 3 - Escape

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His head shot up. Shadow felt dizzy, while he remembered what happened last night. The Dragon Fighters had a capricious battle with the Dragon's Wing. The Dragon Fighters had surprised them. The attack was targeted on his friend, Heather. After their capture, the Fighters had subsided, knowing that they wouldn't win. He remembered the darkness that came after the had been shot with a tranquilizer dart. Shadow stood up and nudged Heather's shoulder affectionately. Then he noticed the bars around them. He then noticed Heather was stareing at another dragon. At first he growled at her and then noticed Heather gently touching the dragon's snout. Then he stopped growling at her(the dragon). Then the dragon started speaking.
"We have an escape plan." She whispered. Shadow nodded his head, waiting for an explanation.
After she was done explaining, Shadow reviewed the plan in his head. Melt our cage with a subtle fire. But hers is dragon proof, which can be disinigrated by Camowing acid. The metal explodes when water gets on it. Heather had accidentally found this out by spraying water on the metal. After getting out of the dungeon, there was no other plan but fly away. They had to do it right or they would both have to be in dragon proof cages; that wouldn't be good at all.
All the guards were asleep, accept the ones stopping rescue attempts. It was now or never. Shadow slowly heated up the metal with this fire. It slowly started glowing red. Eventually the metal was twisting away from it's original spot and leaving a doorway. Heather fetched the Camowing acid and poured it on to Saffire's cage, destroying the dragon proof metal. Now they tiptoed silently to the contraband room and grabbed all of their belongings. The saddle was strapped on to Saffire, while the weapons, water food clothes an their other necessities were strapped not Shadow's back. Why doesn't want to ride me? Shadow thought, with suffering realzation. Saffire realised that he was confused an explained that the tranquilizer dart had not completely worn off yet, so he had to carry the lighter items. Shadow nodded his head and walked to the door.
He opened it so roughly, that it instantly knocked out the guards. As realizing that, they flew off as fast as they could go.

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