A walk with Eddie

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   We get to bens house and get off our bikes. Ben rushes in the house for some reason. I see Eddie fall off his bike and giggle a bit.
   "Aww are you ok my clumsy baby boy?" I ask with a grin. He glares at me clearly annoyed. I see his face lighten up a bit and he slightly smiles.
   "Yeah I'm fine." He giggles at my pet name. I grab his hand then pull him in the house.
   Once we're in I let go and catch up to Beverly. "Hey Bev, I know I already said something about your hair but I just wanted to let you know I really love it." I giggle a bit trying to keep in my excited screams while looking at my newly acquired beautiful friend. "You're so fricking pretty Beverly I think I might just die right now."
   She giggles and seems flustered from all the compliments. "Thank you so much, you're super pretty too!"
   "Aww how cute, I ship it!" Richie yells making everyone giggle. I start looking around Bens room. He starts telling the boys about all the information he has collected about this town. I start snooping and looking at things on his wall, then I get curious and close the door. Beverly sees what I'm doing and at the same time we notice the giant New Kids on the Block poster. I giggle a bit and his adorable obsession and look over at him, he looks at us almost begging for us to close the door. I wink at him playfully and close the door.
After a while of looking at bens stuff the boys and I decide it's time to go.
"Hey Eddie since we go the same way wanna walk with me? We could pick up your bike tomorrow or something." I smile hoping he'd take my offer.
"Sure that's fine." He smiles back. I look back at the boys and wave while they all go their separate ways.
"Come on then baby boy! Let's get our walk on!" I say is a stupid voice. I grab his hand and start walking on the sidewalk. He looks our Intertwined hands trying to see whether or not mine were clean. He smiles a little once he knows I don't have any possible diseases on me.
"You know I'm older than you right?" Eddie says to break the silence.
"Yeah, and?" I ask a little confused at his question.
"Why do you call me baby boy?" He asks, not annoyed but genuinely confused.
"Oh Eddie." I start swinging our hands. "It's because your the most adorable one in the group." I say and giggle. I look over and see him blush a bit.
"Who's the hottest?" He asks eagerly. I giggle again at his cuteness and smile at him.
"Isn't it obvious, it's me silly." I say and start laughing uncontrollably. "I'm just kidding, for real, probably Richie, Beverly's a close second though." I say calming down.
"Oh so you have a thing for Richie?" He asks. I repeat his question in my head. Do I have a thing for Richie? I love how he makes me smile and laugh, and he's honestly pretty damn attractive.
"Yeah, I think so to be honest." I say, then quickly cover my mouth with the hand that's not intertwined with Eddies. "Please don't tell anyone." I say then look at him.
"I wont." Eddie says with a smile.
"Eddie, who's your favorite, in the group?" I say randomly.
"You are the least annoying and the nicest to look at, ooh also you don't really tease me a lot, so you." He says. I smile a bit.
"You know what Eddie, you're my favorite too. I feel like we're best friends already and we haven't even known each other that long." I say with a really big smile.
"Let's make sure Richie doesn't find out that I'm your favorite, he'd go crazy." He says and giggles.
"Why?" I say confused. I look him in the eye.
"Oh cuz he likes you a lot, he hasn't stoped talking about you since you joined." Eddie says then quickly regrets it. "Shit! Richie's gonna kill me!" He says.
"If he tries, I'll bop him." I say seriously.
"I think I love you even more now." Eddie says with a laugh. After a couple more minutes of walking we get to the creepy old house on Niebolt street. As we start walking past it eddies Watch beeps, signaling it was time to take his pill. As he tries taking it out he drops them and they go everywhere.
"Shit." He mumbles then kneels down to start picking them up. I kneel down too and start helping him. After I pick up a few I hear a strange voice. It sounds like it said "Do you think this can help me Eddie?" Me and Eddie quickly look up and see a zombie looking thing right in front of us. We start stumbling around struggling to get up. The zombie starts trying to chase us into the house. We run around avoiding the creepy looking door. Eddie trips and I frantically try helping him up. Once he was up we head for the fence, shortly stopping and looking behind us. I stare in shock as I see a clown. I look over at Eddie to make sure he's seeing it too and I'm not crazy.
"Where're you going Ed's? Y/n? Come join the clown. You'll float down there, we all float down there." He says in a creepy voice. I freak out and head for the hole in the fence. Then I hear all the balloons pop. I look behind me once more and the clown was gone. Eddie and I stand up on the other side of the fence and just look at each other. I break down a little and hug him hard, letting a couple tears fall.
"Eddie you saw that too right?" I ask. Looking him in the eye. Still slightly holding onto his shoulders, scared to let go.
"Yeah I wish I hadn't though." Eddie says clearly freaked out.
"What the fuck just happened?" I ask in complete shock.

(YAY finally an update! Sorry for taking so long with this one. I've been kinda uninspired.)

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora