A fellow homeschooler

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   "Oh shit that's belch Huggins's car." Richie says as we walk by a parked blue car.
"Isn't that the homeschool kids bike?" Stan asks.
"Yeah, Mike's." Eddie says with worry.
   "Omg we need to help him!" Beverly states, worried for this mike kids safety.
   "Should we?" Richie asks.
   "Duh!" I say with a 'wtf kind of question is that?' Face. Beverly and I were the first to drop our bikes and run to find mike. Soon after the boys follow too. After a bit of searching we find mike getting tormented by Henry and his gang.
   "Hey asshole! Why don't you go do something useful instead of bullying kids! Damn, I thought I had a sad life." I say annoyed as all hell.
   "Y/n calm down don't make him angry." Eddie says worried for my safety.
   "Oh you guys are hanging out with the slut and the desperate one." Henry says pointing to Beverly and I. "You idiots are trying to hard, they'll do you, you just gotta ask nicely, like I did." Henry smirks and grabs his junk. I puke a little in my mouth but get it back down.
   "No one talks about my best friend like that you fucking asshole." Eddie says with anger dripping from his tongue. He lets out a scream of rage and throws a rock that hits Henry in the forehead. The rest of the losers start grabbing rocks and chucking them at the bullies.
   "ROCK WAR." Richie yells then gets hit in the face with a rock.
   "You're gonna wish you never did that bowers. No one messes with my friends, or my boyfriend." I say with my teeth gritted. I jump in the water and get as close as possible. I chuck the heaviest rock I could find and I hear a smack and then a body hit the ground. I look over and see Henry on the ground groaning in pain. He gets up quickly and scurries away.
   "Hell yeah that's my girlfriend!" Richie yells proud. "Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie yells as Henry runs away, flipping him off. I get out of the water and head over to Richie. I give him a big hug and grin from ear to ear.
   "Richie I think we actually just scared off Henry bowers." I say with excitement in my voice. I walk over to mike to check if he's doing ok.
   "Mike? Hi I'm Y/n. I hope Henry and his idiots didn't cause to much damage. Also, it's nice to meet a fellow homeschooler." I say with a sweet grin.
   "I should be fine, no damage done." Mike smiles back.
   We start walking back. I walk next to Richie and grab his hand. He looks over at me and grins.
   "Thanks you guys but you shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you guys too." I hear mike say.
   "Oh no no no bowers is always after us." Eddie says. I frown knowing he speaks the truth.
   "I guess that's one th-thing we all h-have in common." Bill says.
   "Welp. Welcome to the losers club homeschool." Richie says.
   "I thought I was homeschool?" I look at Richie confused.
   "Nope you're the dork." He says and pecks my cheek.
   After a bit more walking we decide to head into town. When we get there there is a parade like thing going on.
   "Holy shit I wanna try one of those!" Richie says excited and points to one of the instruments. I walk next to him as the rest of the losers head the other way. I see them looking at missing posters. I feel my smile drop and I look at the ground. I focus back in on Richie as I hear him yell.
   "What the fuck dude?" Richie yells as he gets the instrument taken away from him. He grabs my hand and pulls me over to the losers. Once we got to them Richie grabs one of the ice creams from eddies hand. He takes a lick and some gets around his mouth and on his nose. I giggle and grab his cheeks pulling his face towards me. I look him in the eye and slowly lick the ice cream that was around his lips. He goes red and looks at me. I start to giggle uncontrollably finding it adorable how flustered he got. I kiss his nose softy then grab the hand that he was holding his ice cream with. I pull it up to my mouth and take a lick. He pulls away and gets fake angry.
    "Mine." He says with his eyebrows furrowed. He then giggles and lets me have some more.
   "Richie, y/n are you guys even listening?" Stan asks with a slightly annoyed face.
   "No because we are trying to have fun instead of being all sad and paranoid." Richie says and grabs my hand. He takes us to a place to sit down. We sit down and I put my head on his shoulder. Shortly after the losers follow us and sit down.
   "Guys, what if it knows what we're afraid of and that's what we're seeing. None of it is real" Stan says in a serious tone.
   "Mike did you see anything?" Eddie asks. Mike starts telling us how he saw the burning people and the clown when getting chased by Henry. He finishes off his story and says, "everyone is afraid of something."
   "You got that right." Richie says and looks behind him.
   "Alright rich, what are you afraid of?" Eddie asks.
   "Clowns." Richie says then shivers at the thought.
    "Wait, y/n what's your biggest fear. You were there when I saw the leper but that's not your biggest fear. Neither are clowns." Eddie says confused.
    "My biggest fear is losing my friends, so I guess you being in danger was enough of a scare for me." I say and look up at Eddie. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. He smiles a bit.
    "That's so sweet." Eddie says while wiping a tear off his face.
   After a while of sitting there bill offers for us to go to his house to investigate more.
    "Ok that sounds good. Give me a few minutes though I need to talk to Eddie." I say. I walk over to Eddie and grab his hand, pulling him to a place no one would hear us.
   "Eddie, you've been acting weird ever since me and Richie got together." I say with a sad look.
    "What, no I haven't." He says quickly in defense.
    "You look sad whenever we kiss or hold hands, I need to know if you're ok." I say worried.
    "To be honest. Y/n you are the nicest girl I've ever met. You are sweet and you care about my feelings. You're funny and have a great personality. Not only that but you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I really really like you, and not as a best friend." Eddie says now full on crying.
   "Oh Eddie." I say with sadness and hug him. Comforting him the best I can.

"I love you y/n" 

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now