Oof emotions

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"Eddie I don't know what to say. You know I love you too. I'm with Richie though." I say trying to calm him down.
"I can treat you a thousand times better then that trashmouth. He probably just wants to lose his virginity. He doesn't know what it means to love someone." Eddie says. At this point he was breaking down.
"Eddie, I love you and you know it. My emotions are getting all tangled up and I don't know how to feel. I love Richie too." I say and wipe a stray tear from my face.
"He'll mess up, I know it. He always messes things up." He says angry. "I don't want you to get hurt by him." Eddie sniffles and hugs me, burying his head in the crook of my neck.
"What the fuck is taking so long." Richie says as he comes into view. "Holy shit whats wrong with him?" Richie asks concerned for his friend.
"Nothing he's fine. Let's go." I say and grab eddies hand helping him up. After he's up I don't let go, I give him a reassuring squeeze and smile at him.
   After an awkward ride to bills house we all end up in his basement.
    "Oh this is creepy as hell billy what are we doing in here?" I ask latching my arm with Richie's.
    "We are g-gonna find out wh-where it lives." Bill says as he sets up a projector. He puts a map of Derry's sewer systems up on the projector.
As we look at the maps we see that everything leads to the creepy old hours on niebolt street.
   "I hate that house, it feels like it's watching me." Beverly says with a shiver. Eddie quickly takes a puff of his inhaler .
    "That's where we saw it, that's where me and y/n saw the clown." He says. He shakes his head a little and walks up to the map, tearing it off the wall.
    "C-come on Eddie put it back." Bill says annoyed.
    "You know what no. It's summer we're kids and I'm about to have a fucking asthma attack." He says slightly freaking out. I quickly head over to him and grab his arm pulling him in a slight hug.
    "Eddie calm down." I say sweetly and look him in the eye. As he starts calming down the projector starts going by itself, switching through pictures of bill and his family. Soon it starts zooming in on one specific photo. The woman in the pictures hair starts moving out of her face, revealing a clown. We all jump back, I latch onto Eddie while backing away from the projector.
    "What is that? What the fuck is that?!" Richie starts yelling.
    "I don't fucking know!" Eddie yells back.
    "Turn it off!" Bev yells frantically. Mike kicks the projector over but it doesn't turn off. After a couple seconds the clown pops out of the projector, right in front of us. He looks around and locks eyes with me. I start backing up towards the wall. He gets super close and almost touches me before Ben opens the garage door, making the clown disappear. I get up slightly traumatized and pat bens shoulder.
   "Thanks Ben." I say. I turn my head looking for Richie, and I hug him as tight as I can.
    "He almost got me Richie." I say with a couple tears rolling down my face.
    "Over my dead body." He says looking me in the eyes. He kisses my cheeks where the tears had previously been.
   "I love you." I whisper in his ear. I pull away but see him mouth 'I love you too' I blush and give him a wide smile. I look over at Eddie and see him with a heart broken face. I look down at the ground feeling sad.
    "We have to k-kill it." Bill says as he starts walking out of the garage.
"Come on bill. It's-" Stanley starts but gets quickly cut off by bill.
"If you say it's summer one more f-fucking time." Bill says annoyed as he gets on his bike.
"Bill! Wait!" Beverly yells after him.
"Do we have to?" I groan and look over at Richie.
"I think so." He replies.

"Well fuck"

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now