Bloody hell

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I sit on my couch rethinking the events that happened yesterday evening when me and Eddie were walking together. I haven't moved much since then. I'm scared to go anywhere. All of a sudden I hear the phone ring. I answer.
"Hello?" I say into the phone waiting for a reply.
"Hey y/n it's Eddie. Bill told me to call you and tell you we're coming to get you. Something happened with Beverly." He says.
"Oh ok, I'll be waiting Eds. See ya later." I say, curious and worried about Bev.
"Bye bye n/n." (N/n means your nick name). He says then I hang up.
After about 10 minuets I hear a knock at the door, then I hear Richie yell, "Y/N GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE YA DORK." I giggle then hear a loud smack. "Ow Eddie" Richie says pretending to be hurt. "That's my best friend you're talking about have some respect." I hear Eddie say.
I finally open the door with a wide smile on my face. "Wow I've really missed that trashmouth." I say and roll my eyes.
"They always do." He says smugly and with a sigh.
I furrow my eyebrows together. "What the fuck does that mean?" I ask.
"G-guys c'mon we g-gotta go." Bill says clearly worried about Beverly.
"Come on n/n ride with me Incase that trashmouth thinks of any more shitty comments." Eddie says then grabs his bike. I guess he went to get it without me then.
"Welp sorry Richie gotta ride with my bestie." I say then walk over to Eddie.
"You guys are lame as fuck." Richie says and giggles a bit.
"Watch your fucking language around y/n I don't want her to end up a trashmouth like you." Eddie says then giggles at his own clever remark.
"Hurry up idiots!" I hear Stanley yell as he rides away with bill and Ben.
"Oh fuck come on Eddie let's go!" I say then hop on his bike. He starts peddling and Richie does the same.
Once we make it to Beverly's I see her run down the stairs. "Oh finally you guys are here. I gotta show you something." Beverly says, clearly shooken up.
"More than we saw at the Quarry?" Richie says in a snarky tone.
"Stop talking to her like that Richie, she's not like that." I say and squeeze Beverly's arm reassuringly. She gives me a weak smile.
Richie gets a little awkward and pushes his glasses up. "Sorry." He said sounding genuine.
"My Dad would kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment." She says worried.
"W-we'll keep watch. Richie st-stay here." Bill says then rushes to Beverly's side.
"I'll stay too, I need to talk to Richie a bit." I tell the boys and Beverly. They all nod at me and walk up the stairs to her apartment.
"Someone wants to spend time with me." Richie smirks. I walk up to him and sit down on the lawn. He sits down next to me.
"Richie, you really confuse me." I say with a sad tone.
"What do you mean, sweet cheeks." He says and looks me in the eyes.
"You always flirt with me and make me feel special but at the same time, don't you act like that towards everyone?" I say and my lips curve into a frown. "Hell, you even flirt with Eddie sometimes To tease him. That's just what you do, but I think I actually fell for everything you told me." I say and look away from him. "I like you Richie." I say almost completely ready to run away as fast as I can.
He doesn't say anything and I panic. I start standing up with tears in my eyes. He grabs my arm and makes me sit back down. He grabs my cheeks and gives me a quick peck.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way. Y/n I really like you too. I have from the beginning. It's just that I have never really liked anyone like this so I didn't express it the right way." He says while I feel my cheeks heat up. I smile.
"You're a loser." I giggle as a tear rolls down my cheek, but not from sadness, from joy.
"I'm a loser, you're a dork." He says and I smile.
   I peck his plump lips again, I pull away as I hear footsteps. Then I hear a couple whistles.
   "Ooh GET IT RICHIE!" Beverly yells. I blush really hard and giggle.
I look over at the group of losers and smile. I see Eddie next to them, with a sad and surprised face. He honestly looks like he might cry. The losers all walk over to their bikes and start walking with them.
   "Ooh I forgot to ask. Wanna be my girlfriend?" Richie asks with a smile.
   "Of course ya doofus." I giggle at him then catch up with the losers.
I walk with them as Richie rides his bike around us. He starts complaining about them leaving out there for so long.
   "Shut up Richie we all know you loved your time out there." Stan says referring to us kissing. When he says that I see eddies mouth curve into a frown.
   "I get it, trash the trashmouth. I'm not the one imagining her bathroom went all eddies moms vagina on Halloween." He says.
   "S-she wasn't Im-imagining it. I-i saw something too." Bill says.
   "You saw blood too?" Stan asks.
   "No I saw G-Georgie." Bill says with sadness in his eyes. "Then t-there was a-a"
   "A clown." Eddie states. "Yeah me and y/n saw it too."
   "Can only virgins see this? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie says in a serious tone.
   "Shut up Richie we all know you are as much of a virgin as us." I say and giggle at him.
   "Not for long" He says and winks at me.

   "I think I'm gonna fucking vomit."

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now