Chapter Six - Onward and Upward

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Evie's P.O.V -

My phone feels heavy in my hands as I dial the number.

"Hey." He picked up instantly.

"Hi. I've been thinking about what you said."


"Yeah. Wanna go out sometime?"

As I said the words I thought of Flynn. When I'm around him I feel different. A good kind of different. I've never felt like this with anyone before but I know he would never feel the same way. I don't know what's happened in his past, not really, but I know that he's never going to let me in. I need to stop myself before I get hurt.

"I'd love to," Sam says.

"Great. I'm looking forward to it. Want to talk more about it at school?"

"Sure. See you soon."


I hang up and chuck my phone onto my bed. I may not like Sam in that way, but maybe if I give him a chance I will?
I don't know what made me decide to make the call. I think it was just the knowledge that I will never be with the guy I really like and they always say that the best way to move on is to be with someone else.

I receive a text.

Flynn😎 - I had a nice time today.

I did too :)

It feels like a lie even though I did. Will he think I've lied when he sees me with Sam tomorrow?

Flynn😎 - I have something important I want to tell you.

Okay? What's up?

Flynn😎 - I think it's best if I tell you in person.

You're kind of scaring me...

Flynn😎 - It's not a bad thing. Trust me.

Okay. When should we talk?

Flynn😎 - Meet me on the roof of the school tomorrow, before regi.

Alright. See you then.

What was that about? Flynn's acting shady. What could be so important that it can't be said over text? I feel like as today is going on I'm being left with more and more questions but zero answers.

We'll see tomorrow I guess.

- - -


I turn to see Sam walking towards me.

"Hey Sammy," I say with a smile. It feels fake.

"So I was thinking that on Saturday we could see a movie?"

"Sure, I like most films."

This makes me think of Flynn as well. If it were him he'd be suggesting we go climb a mountain or something, I bet. Why won't he get out of my head?

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