Chapter Ten - Love You

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Evie's P.O.V -

"You seem distracted."

Even while we're climbing a tree he notices these things. It's kind of amazing.

I look up at Flynn. His concern is evident. He knows something's wrong.

"My dad has a girlfriend."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

It should be, shouldn't it? It just feels weird though. Like I'm going to be forgotten once and for all. Who's he going to visit when he finally comes back from his work trips now? Me or her?

"I guess so," I say with a shrug.

"Evie..." He wanted to say something but he just trails off. We sit in uncomfortable silence.

"I feel like I should tell you about my past. I know you want to know and I think it might help in a way."

I raise an eyebrow. "Your breakup is going to help with my situation?"

"There's more than that."

I stop climbing and sit on one of the branches. He sits down on one nearby.

"I never told you about my father... He wasn't a great person but I guess I can't be the judge of that because I never really knew him. When I was seven he disappeared out of nowhere. I expected to never hear from him again. I managed to find him on Facebook one day and I found out he'd left to be with another woman. They'd gotten married and had more children. I have brothers and sisters I've never even met. I wanted so badly to be able to talk to them but they probably wouldn't want to talk to me..."

"Flynn, I'm so sorry."

"You have a dad, Evie. Don't let go of him."

"That sounds a lot like what people said to me about you."

"Well, they're right. You need to fight for the people you love. Don't let them just walk out of your life."

"Are you assuming I love you?" We both laugh.

"Just a little bit."

I feel like this is my cue to tell him I love him. But do I? He's looking at me and it's like he's staring into my soul. I'm not ready for this.

"You're right. I need to hold on."

I've disappointed him. He just nods his head, trying to hide his sadness.

"Everything's going to be okay."

I lean back against the base of the tree and close my eyes, trying to calm myself down. I can't let myself be too paranoid about this.



"I've been thinking about what Joseph did the other day-"

"You're not going to propose are you?" I open my eyes and smirk.

"No. I mean that I was thinking about how in less than a year we won't be in school anymore. We'll be out in the real world. Angie will be old enough to get married, she'll start her life with Joseph, you'll probably be going to some fancy university, Johnny will be traveling the world or something, and I'll be doing lord-knows-what."

"Who said I'm going to uni?"

"You're really smart."

"You're smart too."

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