Chapter Seven - Broken and Glued

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Angie's P.O.V -

"Hey darling." Oh no.

"Matt, please leave me alone." His face is bruised from yesterday. It feels like a win for the good side.

"Aw, don't you want to talk to your favourite guy?"

"You know I'm dating Joseph."

Matt scoffs. "Him and you? But you're, like, four."


"I think we'd be better together."

"Matt, you're the same age as Joseph."

"Yeah, but I have what he doesn't."

"Do I want to know?"

"More inches."

I cringe at his dumb pickup line and try to walk away but he blocks my path.

"Why're you in such a hurry?"

"I'm trying to get to people I actually want to talk to."

"Don't be like that, darling."

"Fuck off, you spoon."

I attempt to walk past him but he trips me up.

"You alright, darling? Don't trip, darling."

I hate his stupid nickname for me. Why does he always have to call me darling?

"Just leave me alone, Matt!"

"I'm only trying to help."

I pick up the books that I dropped when I fell. I wish Joseph was here. He always knows what to do in these situations.

I'm about to walk away when Connor walks up to us.

"Hey weirdo," he says and laughs in my face.

Both of them tower over me. I know there's no escape.

"Please just let me go."

"Where's the fun in that?"

Both boys mock me as I try to get past them. Nobody in the hallway helps. Connor shoves me and I fall on my butt.

"See you, loser."

The both knock into me as they walk away. I want to curl up into a ball and cry right now.


I look up and Evie and Sam are standing there.


She helps me up.

"What happened?" she asks.

"It was nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing," Sam says angrily, "Is Matt bothering you again?"

"He bothers everybody," I sigh and shrug.

"He doesn't trip up everybody and call them names."

"He's been bullying you?" Evie's shocked.

"It's not bullying. They're just being dumb boys."

"Why are you defending them?" Sam is getting madder by the second.

"I'm not! I'm just saying what's happening."

I suddenly notice that Sam's arm is around Evie's waist. Wow, he moved fast.

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"What? Us? Today." Sam seems chuffed with himself, Evie looks kind of sad actually.

"Yeah," she says.

"I didn't expect that. I actually thought you liked someone else, Evie."

Evie's eyes widen as if I've caught her out on something. Sam looks at her and raises an eyebrow.

"No. The only guy I'm interested in is him."

They look like a sweet couple, but the way they act together is weird... It's kind of robotic.

"Can I talk to Evie in private, Sam? I'd prefer to tell her about what's going on."

"Sure," he kisses Evie on the cheek. "I'll see you later.


I watch as he leaves. I don't want him to be able to hear what I'm about to say.

"So what's going on?"

"You don't like him, do you?"


"You don't like Sam. Not the same way he likes you."

"I do. He's my boyfriend, of course I like him."

"You're acting weird."

"I'm just happy."

"Evie, Sam's a total player. He's dated so many girls and dropped them after a week."


"That's why he moves so fast. He tries to get the girls to do as much as possible before he moves on the the next one."

"Oh my god."

"I'm sorry."

"I've fucked up, haven't I?"

"Kind of."

Evie puts her head in her hands and groans. "I so want to tell you something right now but you'll think I'm super weird."

"You can tell me."

"I think I do like someone. I only wanted to date Sam to get over him."

"Who do you like?"

"It doesn't matter. Should I break up with Sam? We haven't even been on the first date! I haven't even been his girlfriend for an hour!"

"That doesn't mean you can't dump him. Just tell him you found out he plays with girls."

"Okay. Okay, I will."

"You should tell him the truth."


"Tell the guy you like how you feel."

"I can't do that. He'll never feel the same."

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"He jumps out the nearest window."

"That won't happen. You're an awesome person, Evie."

"Thanks Angie."

I hug her and she hugs back tightly. God, I hope Flynn doesn't mess this up. And I also hope that she does like him otherwise I've screwed him over.

"Who is it that you like?" I ask.

"I'll tell you if he says yes."

Please say yes. Please, please, please say yes.

A/N -
Sorry that this chapter is shorter. As I was writing something happened that made me want to stop but I tried to keep it going for as long as possible. I hope you enjoyed this chapter regardless though.

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