The parking spot (Riya)

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Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.
"Ugh seriously it's already 6?" I moaned rolling out of my bed and onto the floor.
"I am honestly getting really sick of  school" I said making my way over to the bathroom. I did my usual routine picked out an outfit and then went downstairs.
"Hey, your up early" I said to my middle school sister who was sitting at the counter eating cereal.
"I have a school field trip today and I need to be in an hour early." She replied shoving more cereal in her mouth.
"But mom left for work an hour ago, how do you plan on getting there?" I questioned grabbing the milk out of the fridge.
"Well I was assuming you'd drive me" she said putting her bowl in the sink. "Oh and by the way we have to be there in 15 minutes."
"Well thanks for letting me know that Maria" I quickly grabbed a Granola bar and my keys gathered my books and went into the car.
"Next time you really should tell me these things Maria. I'm not the magic school bus, I can't just snap my fingers and make us appear somewhere." I said looking at my sister who didn't look like she was paying any attention to me. "Are you even listening" I asked her.
"Nope not one bit" she said typing something into her phone. "Ok can you like step on it? I need to sit with Joey on the bus before Megan does."
I rolled my eyes and put the car in reverse. When we arrived at the middle school I quickly shoved Maria out and drove to the high school to find the last parking spot empty but as soon as I was about to pull in some black sports car pulled in front of me stealing the last parking spot.
"You have to be kidding me" I yelled honking my horn. "Seriously today is so not going as planned" I got out of the car to see which ass stole the spot from me. I was expecting it to be one of the annoying football players or preppy cheerleaders but when I when I got there it was someone I had never seen before. I tapped on the window motioning them to role down the window. As the person rolled down the window I came face to face with a guy with beautiful brown eyes and perfect hair.
"Do you need something? The guy asked looking up at me. I blushed realizing I was starring.
"Oh uh yeah you pulled right in front of me when I was about to pull into that spot" I said kinda feeling pushy.
"If you wanted my number you should have just asked" he winked getting out of his car.
"What did you just say?" I asked confused
"I'm joking" he said laughing "I'm Justin" he said sticking out his hand.
"I'm Riya" I said taking his hand and shaking it.
"So I'm guessing your new here?" I asked already knowing the answer to my question.
"Yeah I just moved here like a week ago, my parents decided I should wait a little and "settle in" before I go back to school"
"Oh nice, I'm assuming that's why you didn't know about the whole no cutting people off when their about to park rule" I said laughing at my own joke.
"No that was just me being a jerk, sorry I totally didn't realize you were parking there." He said running to catch up with you.
"Oh yeah I'm sure" I mumbled under my breath.
"What did you say?" Justin asked.
"Oh, I um asked what class you had first" I lied.
"I have English, what about you?"
"Wow what a small world I have English too!" Justin said as we walked into the school.
I walked into English with Justin right behind me I quickly took my seat next to my friend Kacy as Justin took a seat in the back.
"Hello class, today we are have a new student" my teacher said motioning Justin to come to the front of the classroom.
"Hi I'm Justin, and I just moved here from Canada" Justin said shoving his hands in his pockets looking uncomfortable.
"Ooo Canada" my teacher smiled " that is very interesting Justin. You can go back you your seat now." Justin slowly walked back to his seat making eye contact with me the whole time. I blushed and smiled waving at him. 
"We are going to be doing a group project and I will be assigning your partner. In this project you and your partner will need to look at a page from Shakespeare's a mid summers nights dream and rewrite it as if it took place in modern times." My teacher said writing the directions on the board. "Justin, since you are new I can let you pick your partner."
"I would love to work with Riya, if that's ok with her" Justin said smiling. Kacy nudged me and I blushed again.
"I'd love to" I giggled. I made my way over to the back where Justin was sitting. "Ok, so what do you want to do?" I asked pulling my book out of my bag.
"Well I was thinking we could just take the page and analyze it first and then try to convert it" Justin said grabbing my book and flipping through the pages.
"Uh yeah sounds great" I agreed. For the rest of the period we talked and analyzed the page we picked. When the bell finally ran. I got up and went to walk out of the classroom when Justin grabbed my wrist and spun me around.
"Hey can I have your number so we can pick out a place to work on the rest of the project?" He asked smirking.
"Of course" I smiled handing him my phone.

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