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Hola peeps! Here I present to you a new chapter, Enjoy😘

Happy Reading :)


As soon as Dev read the message anxiety settled in his system and for a moment, he couldn't fathom what to do, he cursed himself for leaving her alone, unprotected "Fuck what do I do? I'll never be able to reach her on time. Fucking bastard knew I'm not there today." Dev racked his brain to think of something but his nerves were everywhere, he needed to calm down first, he thought, it was not like him to crack so easily under pressure but Sonakshi made him soft and the threatener was taking an advantage of that.

He took a few deep breaths and then decided to call his trusted friend and colleague who could reach there on time. He waited for him to pick up the call and picked up his bike keys.

"Hello Kabir I've sent you an address and a photo of a girl, go there right now and check the surrounding for anyone suspicious and make sure she is fine."

"Dev it's 3..."

"I said right now." He said in a commanding voice leaving no room for discussion and mounted on his bike. He knew Kabir will reach there in ten minutes where as it'll take at least one hour for him to reach there even in the fastest speed.

Kabir cursed Dev for waking him up in the middle of the night but he noticed the underlying worry in his friend's voice and he was curious who is this girl that got him so paranoid. He stopped his bike a little away from Sonakshi's house to not alert this suspicious person Dev was talking about. He checked all the discreet corners and places a person could hide near her house, after finding it all clear he looked up at the window in the picture and found it empty.

"Now how the hell do I confirm if she is alright? Should ask the girl herself then." Kabir thought nonchalantly and ringed the doorbell as if it's normal to ring someone's doorbell at three in the morning.

On the other hand, Dev was speeding his bike to reach her house on time, he didn't know what he would do if something happened to her right now, he had never felt this helpless in his life, so scared and out of wits, he hated feeling this way. His phone ringed again, he took it out in desperation to hear any news of Sonakshi. Without looking at the caller he picked up.

"Is she fine?" He said thinking it was Kabir calling but hearing a malign laughter on the other hand cleared his doubt while his grip on the phone tightened.

"Boo, Is the all mighty Dev Dixit scared?"

"I'll fucking kill you." Dev thundered.

"Not before I kill her though, one click and BAM woosh gone." He whispered dramatically and Dev heard the click of the gun being loaded.

"What the bloody hell do you want?"

"This You scared like this, paranoid, anxious, always on edge, this is what I want. I like it. Oh I love it, catch me if you can while looking behind your back to always see what's coming for you or rather her."

The call ended abruptly while Dev became more determined to kill this bastard and get this over with. He thought this was some sick idea of revenge of one of the criminal's he had landed in jail, he was using her to weaken him but he had some other thing coming for him. Yes, he was scared but now there was only two things left, a fierce desire to protect her and to kill whoever this person was.

Kabir ringed the doorbell again continuously after getting no answer the first time, the people in the house were confused at the incessant ringing, Asha opened the door while everybody else was coming down.

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