17. Fate

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Hello Guys! I hope everyone is doing fine. I'm really sorry for the delay yet again but I hope you guys will be understanding, these are such unprecedented times and everything is just a chaos and in the middle of all that College sucks the life out of you><. Stay safe everyone and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

So sit back and relax!

Happy reading😊


Eclectic is one of the most expensive clubs in Mumbai with the VIPs of the city as its customer. It only allowed people who had its membership inside, so it was not common to have squabbles in the club but when people are drunk the most sophisticated bunch of groups can also turn into brainless idiots.

Dev was not far from the club luckily but even a ten minute drive felt longer than usual when his mind was coming up with all the scenarios where Sonakshi could get hurt, Dev only hoped that Avinash was a strong man and could hold his forte and protect sonakshi if there was actually some fight and the crash he heard was not someone accidentally knocking the bottles down, though he desperately hoped it was the latter. He cursed himself for leaving her alone, she could have been with him if he was not being a sacrificial idiot. Why does he always leave her alone?

Once he reached the club though, the security stopped him, he didn't have the membership card on him but such things are trifles when one is a Dixit. Dev called the owner of the club, he was dixit family's good friend, that is the thing in high societies- people who are at the top, everyone wants to be associated with them, Dev was not a fan of people lapping at him or his family but it did come into use from time to time. Like now.

"Hello Dev! What a surprise! How are you?" The tone on the other side greeted him excitedly, ready to please the younger Dixit at his command.

"Hello Uncle I'm at the club right now but I forgot to bring my card."

"Oh c'mon son this is your club you don't need a card. The guard must be new, hand him the phone."

Dev did and he could guess by the paling of the guard's expression that he was getting an earful; he would have felt bad for him if not for Sonakshi being the only thought on his mind at the moment.

After Dev finally entered the club he did not spot any commotion immediately but then he heard it, the sound of glass shattering somewhere in the back and a small group huddled, he spotted Sonakshi being pushed but some other girl reached out to stable her and that's when he saw the tears streaming down her face and fear etched expression. Dev saw red.

Avinash and one other guy were fighting with three people and one of them now held a broken bottle ready to hurl at Avinash, Sonakshi closed her eyes not ready for what was to come while Avinash raised his hand to protect his head but it never came. Dev had held the guy's hand before he could throw it at Avinash as he stood between them now twisting the bottle out of his hand before a crack resonated in the chaos and the guy cried in pain as his wrist flailed in his hand after Dev left it. He had pushed Sonakshi and Dev was livid so a broken wrist bone was not the worst thing, his other two friends rushed to his rescue but a look at Dev was enough to stop them from retaliating. They knew him. Good for them. Everybody was quite around him, too quiet for a club.

That's when he heard Sonakshi whispering his name as if she couldn't believe he was actually there in front of her, paying no attention to anyone he took Sonakshi's face in his hand to see for himself if she was fine. She still had tears in her eyes, he wiped them gently from her face, a gentleness nobody could have guessed he was capable of possessing after he broke the guys wrist without wincing. He looked at Avinash who just stood there dumbly, he also seemed to have no injury, he wanted to lash out at him too, he was pretty sure whatever this mess was, he caused it but not right now, Sonakshi seemed to be shaken up and she was his priority at the moment. He was angry at her too for putting herself in danger like this, but everything could hold off for later, he will drop her home first. He took her hand in his without sparing another glance at anyone and led her outside, Sonakshi did not protest, he stopped at the entrance as it had started raining.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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