12. He can Kill

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I'm on a productive rush these days and I've finally sort of reached the point where I have all these scenes going on in my head all the time that I can't help but pen them down immediately 😆🙈 so enjoy while that lasts😂 here you go.

Happy Reading :-)


Dev looked at Sonakshi to gauge her reaction, he didn't imagine to go it this way, yes,he planned on telling her but not like this and judging by her reaction she was clearly not prepared for this, he now understood what she meant and he like an idiot have panicked for no reason, this was so unlike him but the idea of her leaving him before he had the chance to tell her everything had him react like that and now his inner feelings were out in the open.

Sonakshi opened and closed her mouth to say something but nothing came out, after her heart had finally calmed down and her inner-self had stopped dancing like a mad woman she composed herself to speak again. She did not believe her ears that she heard him right.

"You love me?"

finally she spoke thought Dev.

"I love you and this was not supposed to come out like that, in a hospital room while I'm incapable of doing anything but there was something else you should know before responding to this" He said calmly though on the inside his heart was threatening to come out of his mouth, never in his life had he experienced this feeling of nervousness, dread and excitement at the same time. "if you plan to" He added.

"To explain your behaviour these past few days" Sonakshi deciphered.

"Yes I'm sure you've questions and I want to answer them, no running away anymore." Dev said and then went into telling her what happened on the day of her accident "You remember the day of your accident" She nodded " You were right I was lying but I wanted to keep you safe. After we reached the hospital I got a call to release some people, they were trying to use you against me, it was a planned accident to threaten me with you. That's why I wanted to be away from you cause I knew if they could use you one time against me, they would not hesitate to do it again and I can't risk your life but we ended up meeting coincidentally and I behaved like that, I was frustrated at myself , at the situation, I was adamant on being away from you.." Dev went on telling her everything that followed after the accident, to the incident at the night of Diwali.

"At first I thought it was just some criminal using you as leverage to get their work done but now it feels bigger then that, all the more reason for me to be away from you and I tried but I couldn't, the thought of something happening to you while I'm away, it scared me, I had never felt so helpless like that night, I was taking the decision for the both of us by being away from you but someone told me that I was stupid to push you away to protect you when your protection was with me, I was just escaping my feelings. I love you Sonakshi and I want to give us a chance. Now it's upto you and if you say no after this I'd totally understand but I don't want you to fear anything. I'd always protect you no matter what."

"Someone out there can kill me."

"Sonakshi I'll not let anything happen to you."

"I went through all that heartache because of this person"

"I'm sorry I was being an idiot by doing that"

"Oh you sure were"

Sonakshi was scared but her heart was brimming with love for Dev, this man had done so much for her and she was not even aware about that, she had no doubt he would protect her even if she says she doesn't want to be with him, but not even for a moment that thought crossed her mind, it surprised her how much she trusted him. Maybe the gravity of what Dev was telling her had not settled in or the fact that he loved her shadowed the doomed news but right now Sonakshi was happy more than scared. She was so lucky she thought but she was yet to answer him.

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