10. Over

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Hey beautiful people! Here's the new chapter. Enjoy reading 😆❤️

Happy reading 😊


The loud sirens of the ambulance and the rushing in the hospital lobby forced Sonakshi to come out of her misery, pull yourself together girl she thought wiping her tears, although wailing sirens and emergencies were nothing new for Sonakshi but she could never get used to them, they just re-emphasised the uncertainties of life for her, its unpredictableness was scary and coming across it almost daily did not help that fear, Who thinks that this can be there last day on earth, but it can be and we can't do anything about it so just cherish every single moment we have until we reach that moment.

Coming out of her cabin Sonakshi saw the whole staff in frenzy and it was enough to put her on high alert, it must have been a big accident, putting all thoughts of Dev aside she assumed her role of a doctor. She asked one of the nurses about the status of events.

"How many people are injured?" Sonakshi asked while two patients went past her on a stretcher.

"Three Doctor, it was a terrorist attack or something."

"Where is the third one?" Sonakshi asked shocked after hearing it was a terrorist attack, there is so much hate in this world for no reason, it baffled her, peoples need to harm other people, what did they achieve out of it? The second ambulance arrived as soon as Sonakshi asked the question so without hearing the nurse she went there, the attending doctor was already present there with the team, almost as if it was someone of importance.

The next thing she saw, she physically felt the tilt beneath her feet, the scene in front of her was out of her comprehension, she was blank for a few moments until she felt a hand on her shoulder to stabilise, she didn't realise it but she was shaking.

There lay Dev, unconscious, bloodied and pale on the stretcher, nothing could have prepared Sonakshi for this, she was supposed to meet him today, she thought he ditched her but the thought of something happening to him never crossed her mind.

Ishwari was the last one to arrive on the scene, she was in the operation theatre and as soon as she came out, she was informed that her son has been shot in an assignment gone wrong with two other people and was brought to the hospital. Unlike Sonakshi who was unaware of the risks of Dev's profession or not used to it yet, Ishwari was, there was never a day in her life where she didn't fear for his safety, so this was unexpected but not shocking but that didn't make the news anymore bearable then Sonakshi. She had tears flowing down her cheeks while she stood outside the OT while Dev was being operated on.

Sonakshi stood in the corner, silently shivering, her tears from earlier returned but this time not because of him but for him, this man has made her feel emotions with an intensity which were more then she had ever felt in her entire life, and like her every emotion was heightened in regards to him, the fear clawing at her was extremely palpable and consuming, only she knew how she was barely holding herself from breaking down completely. If someone touched her right now she would burst. All the emotions that she has bottled up inside her would come out and she will be a mess but she could not afford to be a mess at this moment. Her thoughts ricocheted in her mind.

He'll be fine
He'll be fine
He'll be fine
He has to be fine
god can't take him away too from me
No No He'll be fine
He has to
I've so much to talk to him about, so much to tell him
I Love him
I love him
Oh god please please please I love him
Please Don't let anything happen to him

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