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Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter and Sorryyyy I'm late (well nothing new there😀😅) Hope you enjoy it!!

Happy Reading😊

Dev was not a petty person, but seeing Sonakshi hugging whoever this man was didn't really settle well with him, he was just being unreasonable he knew that but it didn't stop him from honking the car horn to make his presence known.

Sonakshi looked over the man's shoulder while he turned around with a frown at the loud honking and Dev immediately decided that he didn't like him. At all. Reasons - he still had his hand on Sonakshi's shoulder and he looked possessive of HIS Sonakshi. Unaware of the brewing tension between them, Sonakshi beamed at Dev and left the man's side to greet her fiancé to be.

"Dev, I told you about Avi right! I can't believe he is here! What are doing in your Car come meet him." Sonakshi could not contain her excitement at being surprised. She dragged Dev to the man, even though he willingly followed her with a tight-lipped smile but on the inside, he just wanted to take Sonakshi to the cottage and spend the rest of his day basking in her presence. He was waiting for this day for a week now. But it's okay, they will be out of here as soon as he finished meeting Bejoy. That was another thing that had him on the edge. What is it that Bejoy wanted to talk to him about?

"Avi this is Dev and Dev this is Avinash my best friend" She introduced them both and they shook their hands, it was a firm shake, something you would do before a challenge and Dev was pretty sure this man, Avinash, didn't like him either or maybe Dev was just projecting his emotions onto him to dislike him, but he didn't want to be rational right now.

"Oh so you're the fiancé she wouldn't shut up about." Avinash said with a bit of tease in his tone which Dev did not like, it sounded condescending to him but Sonakshi having known Avinash for a long time knew this is how he talked, like he had known the other one for ages. He lacked tact. Sonakshi slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Well that I am." Dev said with a small smile at the reminder but it did little to uncoil the tension in his stomach, and it only grew when Avinash kept his hand again on her shoulder, tugging her under his arm, well best friends do that no big deal but Dev seemed to have lost his rationality behind today.

Sonakshi had told Dev how she met Avinash in school. He was the new student who had a lot of gossips swirling him and Sonakshi was the incharge of showing him around. Sonakshi never paid attention to people's shallow judgement for she herself had to face quite a few rumours in her school time, you know, the basic school drama. and before they knew it, they became each other's anchor and best friend. Avinash was always there for her and so was she. They were partners in crime, always by each other side, when Avinash had his first break up how they made a pact that they would marry each other if they remained single till thirty, Dev did not like that little detail but it held no importance now as Sonakshi was very much not single. Two years ago, Avinash left for New York and never came back. So, seeing him here today while she was least expecting it obviously had her ecstatic that she did not notice the impassive façade Dev had on or so he thought. A closed off look which he sported all the time in the past, something Sonakshi had managed to breakthrough quite easily.

Avinash was an animated talker just like Sonakshi and so unlike Dev, he was handsome as well, had a nice body, he seemed to command attention and attention he had, of the only person Dev wished to keep to himself. Was it selfish of him? Yes. Was he being petty? Yes. He knew that but what was he supposed to do with the weird burning in his heart and the knotting he felt in his stomach. All these feelings were new to him, he had never wished for anyone's attention before Sonakshi, he had never felt possessive over anyone before Sonakshi, he had never been in love before Sonakshi, so how was he supposed to handle these foreign feelings was beyond him, it took another person to make him realise his feelings for her but nobody was there to navigate these feelings for him. He was on his own. So he did what he had done all his life. Sport a poker face and close the world outside. Nobody could guess the inner turmoil. But when feelings are closed off in a lid like that, they start brewing into rage slowly. Perhaps that is why he was always angry until Sonakshi, who had opened that lid with her love and the rage simmered down.

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