9. What now?

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Heya people! So Sorry for being late, and thank you so much for all the votes and comments.❤️
Happy Reading  :-)



The realization was jolting for Dev but it made sense, now there was no going back from here he thought, after whatever Prisha and Kabir said to him, he realized how foolish he was actually being, well he hadn't been himself for so long now that it didn't surprise him. It felt nice and comforting to finally come to terms with his feelings for her, what he felt for her was not something that could go away just like that, she had been on his mind since day one but all he had tried to do was evade her thoughts and fail at it, he was acting in contrast to what he was feeling and all that resulted in these unusual confusions and wrong decisions which eventually might have driven her away or so he thought.

Now he knew what he wanted but he had no idea how to get it, after all the bipolar behaviour he showed at her house, he was sure she'd not want anything to do with him, he had to think of something to meet her again and explain everything to her, the possibility of rejection was not lost on him but he didn't want to think about it now, telling her felt like the only reprieve from the chaos in his head, she liked him that he was sure about after her comment but just how much, he'd soon find out.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Tell her and let her decide as you said" Dev said determinedly, there was a small hint of smile on his face which didn't go unnoticed by his friends and they were happy for him.

"I never thought I'd see the day when Dev would fall in love, I'm happy for you mate, love is one of the most beautiful thing that can happen to a person in their life" Kabir said looking at Prisha and patted Dev's back. They left him there in her neighbourhood as he mulled over all the situations where he could tell Sonakshi everything without her freaking out while he kept an eye on the house, he needed to hire someone to keep her safe because he could not be there with her 24*7, he would be on duty some days, sometimes out of town as well and in those days he couldn't risk having no one around her but this is something that needs to be done in secret, she would never approve of it and he couldn't let the threatener know of it too, he needed to catch him and for that he had to make him believe that he was the in charge.

Next Morning

The first thing Sonakshi noticed after entering the dining room were the hush conversations between Naina and Asha but she was too grumpy due to her lack of sleep last night to enquire about their talks. Naina wished her good morning brightly which she returned with no energy. The secret talks between Asha and Naina finally picked her interest when she heard Dev's name in passing but she didn't want to give the wrong impression so she just sat there trying to catch what they were saying but unable to understand anything she gave in and asked, much to their pleasure.

"What are you both talking about so secretly"

"Secretly! No we were just talking about the Dixits who came yesterday. Remember"

Sonakshi could not forget him even if she wanted to hence, she nodded her head affirmatively "What about them?"

"See this is completely your decision we will not force you in anything we want you to know that. Ok?"

Sonakshi just looked at Naina confused, whatever she was saying was going above her head. "What is it di?"

"ok so see yesterday Dixits proposed Dev's hand for you"

Sonakshi was shocked would be an understatement, it took her a few moments to process the information in her head but her lack of response gave the wrong impression to Naina and Asha "Sona as I just said we are not forcing like just meet the guy maybe and if you don't want to you don't have to. Ok. Say something"

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