13.May I?

778 152 79

Heya people! I'm back, hope y'all doing well.

There's some graphic content ahead so Reader discretion is advised.

Happy Reading:)


When the guy looked at Dev standing by the doorway, he paled and immediately tried to escape, he pushed Dev hard and he stumbled due to his injury but he lifted his crutches and the guy fell face flat on the floor. Dev bent down and took both his arms behind his back before putting pressure with his knee on his back while the guy groaned in agony.

"She couldn't scream, could she?" Dev ruthlessly slammed his face on the floor by grabbing his hair as the guy screamed and cried. This was also why Dev didn't want Sonakshi to come with him, he didn't want her to witness this side of him. His blood boiled when people harmed the weak, the helpless, in turn he wanted them to feel helpless.

"I'm sorry Please......please leave me." The guy begged while writhing in pain.

"Sorry huh!" Dev laughed incredulously "Did she beg you to leave!"

"She was not a saint! You know it."

"What did she do to you?" Dev asked with his hair in his firm grasp.

"She..she..." And the guy broke down completely. She never did anything to him. She was a terrible human being but she did nothing to him.  

"You're as terrible as her, at least she didn't kill anybody." Dev said and forced him to stand up.

The police had arrived at the scene, there was a lot of commotion and chaos in the hospital, everybody was disturbed by the fact that a nurse was killed by their own staff member. Everyone was scared especially the patients. This would take a toll on the hospital's reputation. Dev shoved the guy forward while a constable handcuffed him, everyone saluted him while he dismissed them and told the inspector all the details leaving out the threatener bit. He was his to deal with.

If he wanted, he could have waited for the police to come and ordered them but this was why they admired him because he did his job with complete dedication, never shying away from danger or duty regardless of the condition he was in. The media has also got the tip of the events and were now hounding the gates of the hospital. How can they miss the news of a murder and a Dixit name attached to it. Ishwari was busy handling them as they asked questions left and right.

"Ma'am a staff member killed another in a hospital how are you how going to take accountability for that?"

"How was the criminal caught so fast when the police reached late, are you forging an innocent to take the burn for your lack of responsibility?"

"Is it true that your Son caught him while he himself was still healing from the last time he was shot?"

"What about the family of the deceased will you compensate them?"

"How safe are patients when a staff member is killed under your nose?"

"Ma'am is Officer Dev Dixit in an affair with a doctor at your hospital?"

Ishwari snapped at the last question, she hated this part of the media, they would say anything and everything without thinking about the person in question as long as it brought them TRP. They didn't care who was affected, their private lives didn't matter to them and Dev was especially their favorite. He was on the local newspaper more than a celebrity or a politician.

Dev went to his room and saw Sonakshi standing by the window, she was looking at the crowd outside while camera flashes were going on and off, Dev hugged her from the back startling her as she was too lost in thoughts, she relaxed after seeing its Dev. He kept his head on her shoulder and asked her softly. "What are you thinking?"

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