Night Raid

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Alice's POV

"I'm sorry about Jack" Elizabeth says as we prepare for bed.

"It's ok, he'll find a way out" I assure her smiling. "He is Jack Sparrow after-all" I remind her. "How about we much tonight?" I ask her changing the subject.

"Sure, why not?" she replies. Soon we sat in our separate beds under the covers as Estelle prepared Elizabeth's bed warmer. As she was still a little cold from her dip in the sea earlier.

"There you go miss, a hard day for you I'm sure" Estelle states placing the bed warmer under Elizabeth's mattress.

"Yes, I did not expect the commodore to propose" Elizabeth states and I take a deep breath.

"Everyone else knew" I tell her closing my book.

"I meant you being threatened by that pirate" Estelle clarifies.

"You mean Jack Sparrow?" I ask and she nods her head.

"It must of been terrifying" Estelle says looking at Elizabeth.

"Yes it was" Elizabeth confirms.

"But the commodore proposed, now fancy that. It's a smart match if it's not to bold for me to say" Estelle says.

"It is a smart match" Elizabeth agrees.

"He's a fine man, one any woman would dream of marrying" I tell them.

"What about that Will Turner? He's a fine man too" Estelle tells us.

"That is to bold" Elizabeth tells her and she apologizes before leaving us to go to sleep. Elizabeth and I both full into peaceful sleeps. Before we are awoken by cannon fire from outside. We grabbed our matching robes and put them on before leaving our room.

"No don't" I tell the butler as he goes to open the front door, but it was to late. He opened it and was shoot in the head. As pirated invaded the manor Elizabeth and I ran back into our chamber where we meet Estelle. We told her to run to the fort the second she got a chance. Then distracted the two pirates before running downstairs.

We run into the dining room and I barricade the door before Elizabeth pulls me into a small cupboard to hide. Soon we hear the doors break open and two voices telling us to come out. I look at Elizabeth placing a finger on my lips signaling her to be quiet and she nods her head. "You've got something of ours" one of the pirates says.

I'm glad my knives are on me, one strapped to each leg and one on my left arm. I start to go for it as the same pirate says "the gold calls to us." I see Elizabeth fiddling with the pirate medallion we took from Will eight years go. "Hello poppets" the voice says as the doors open suddenly to reveal the two pirates from before pointing pistols at us.

"Parley, we invoke the right of parley" I tell them with my hands up.

"According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew , you have to take us to your Captain" Elizabeth adds. I smile proud she remembers what I taught her of the pirate code.

"I know the code" the fat balding one says.

"The you know if an adversary demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete" I remind him.

"To blazes with the code" the skinny one says pointing his pistol as Elizabeth.

"They want to be taken to the Captain and they'll go without a fuss. We must honor the Code" the bald one reminds him. Then he grabs my right arm while the other grabs Elizabeth. They drag us out of the manor and through the streets where there is a lot of fighting going on. I notice Will at one point trying to reach us, but see him get knocked out by a passing pirate.

We are put in a long boat and taken to the ship. Which I now recognize as the Black Pearl and I remember reading that they are cursed. But now how they are cursed. Then remember this ship once belonged to Jack, but decide to keep that to myself and not tell Elizabeth. Once we reached the ship Elizabeth went up first and I followed. Just as she was about to be slapped I pulled her away from the dark skinned man.

"Keep your hands to yourself" I snap glaring at him. Then he steps forward raising his hand to slap me and his wrist is grabbed.

"You will not lay hand on those under the protection of parley" the man tells the dark skinned one. I realize this man must be Captain Barbossa and I see he has a monkey on his shoulder. "Apologies misses" he tells Elizabeth and I. "Why have you request an audience with me?" he asks.

"Captain Barbossa, we are here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal" Elizabeth states and I roll my eyes at her.

"There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?" he asks looking at me.

"We want you to leave and never come back" I clarify and Elizabeth nods her head.

"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no"" Barbossa tells us.

"Very well, she'll drop it then" I say casually as Elizabeth holds the medallion over board. When Barbossa tried to act casual saying he didn't care about it Elizabeth drops it a little. The crew all approach her saying 'no'. "Ready to bargain?" I ask smirking and Barbossa chuckles.

"You got names misses?" he asks.

"Elizabeth Turner, I'm a maid in the governors house hold" Elizabeth lies.

"And I am Alice Teague, daughter of Edward Teague" I declare bowing mockingly. Barbossa assured us if we gave him the medallion he'd put Port Royal to their raider and never return. Only thing he left out he wouldn't be returning us to shore. Elizabeth and I separated, I am placed in the captains cabin while she is place in an other cabin. I just sighed and sat in Barbossa's chair placing my feet on the table as the monkey appears. He jumps onto my shoulder and I pat him gently. I wait for Barbossa to arrive and let me out.


Picture above of Barbossa, Jack (the monkey) and Bosun. Picture on the external link of Alice's outfit (minus the medallion). Link to picture of Alice's throwing knives:

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