Chapter 1

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A/N Since this is my first fanfic I want some pointers on how to write a better story. I will be updating once a week as long as school doesn't get in the way.

~~Four months ago~~~


As the school bell went off, students flooded the halls to get to their lockers and go home, except for one junior who was the top of all her classes and future valedictorian. Annabeth quickly scanned the halls for any remaining students, or gods forbid her boyfriend, Percy. She hurriedly ran into the bathroom and went into a stall. As she reached into her backpack she took a deep breath and grabbed the pregnancy test she had bought earlier that had been haunting her all day.

After she took the test and waited the five minutes required, she attempted to calm herself down.

Nothing good will come from worrying about it she told herself just one quick look that's all you need to do... one... two... three...

Annabeth looked down and taking a sharp breath, she broke down in tears.

All she had worked for would be gone because of this one little test. She and her dad had finally been starting to try to listen to each other and now that was over. All of her grades... gone, her barely there relationship with her dad... gone, her relationship with Percy... gone. Oh gods, how would Percy react?

For the first time in her life, Annabeth allowed herself to let out her emotions. She sank to the bathroom floor and cried. She cried until she couldn't anymore. Even after, she sat and tried to understand. She tried to understand what had happened and even then, she couldn't believe it was happening to her. Annabeth Chase, straight- A student, rule follower, perfect attendance, student council president, was expecting a child. Her perfect reputation was now ruined.

After crying about her misfortune for over an hour, she finally plodded her way home on the cool, late April afternoon.

As she walked home, she pondered the different ways to tell her dad and Susan. Susan had never been considered a mother or even stepmom to Annabeth. That lady had a screw loose and always found ways to torture her when her dad wasn't looking. But it's not like he cared. Whenever she tried to tell him, he would just ignore her.

While she was walking up the driveway, she noticed that neither of their cars were there.

More time to think she thought glumly to herself.

Once she was in her room she grabbed a notepad and started writing different ways she could go about it. After she finished with a considerable amount she read over it again.

· Run away

· Wait until graduation

· Tell them outright

· Give it away

· Keep it

· Find mom and live with her

Picking up a pen she crossed out the fourth and sixth bullets. She wouldn't be able to go to her mom, she would more than likely be angrier than her father. And... well she couldn't really give it away. Even though it had already ruined her life, she felt obligated to give it a better life than she had. Even if that meant it would only have a loving mother and no father. And she would start by giving it a name.

Shaking her head Annabeth decided she had finally gone crazy. Looking at her list, she decided bullet two was the best. At least that way she would be able to finish most of high school. Maybe she could finish high school later and go to college. Blowing the stray blonde locks of hair out of her face, she got up and took the list and put it in the paper shredder. There could be no evidence left behind for her parents to find.

She walked into the bathroom connected to her bedroom and washed off her face. Looking into her grey-eyed reflection, she laughed bitterly to herself.

It's funny how a person's life can be ruined, but no one would give you a second glance or an ounce of sympathy she thought begrudgingly.

While she was lost in thought, she didn't notice Susan and the boys get home. That was until Susan decided to scream at her.

"Annabeth, get down here you worthless brat!" she screeched at the top of her lungs.

Annabeth took a deep breath and putting on her well used facade replied sweetly, "Coming Mother!"

Putting her walls up once again she walked down the stairs and made sure there was no way to read her emotions.

"Yes," she inquired wondering what Susan wanted.

Susan had a grin on her face that Annabeth wanted to smack off and she replied, "I was hoping you could watch the boys and do a few chores while your father and I are out tonight. And..." Annabeth knew the blow was coming and prepared herself for it, "your father and I have been talking and decided that your boyfriend, what's his name, ah Percy wasn't it is not fit for you to be around, so you are not allowed to be anywhere near him," she finished walking off as if it were nothing.

Even though Annabeth didn't want to have anything to do with Percy she didn't want her step- mom to think she had won.

"Well that might be a problem, because I won't be here tonight seeing I'm going out with Percy," Annabeth said innocently.

Susan whipped herself around and nearly growled, "You listen to me girl, and you listen good, when I tell you to do something you do it. You are breaking it off with Percy and you will watch your brothers tonight. Got it? I don't want to see you anywhere near Percy."

Annabeth put all of her anger into her eyes and watched Susan take a step back, "Watch me," she said coldly.

Annabeth grabbed her phone and shoes walking out of the house while Susan stared dumbfounded after her. Annabeth took out her phone and shot Percy a quick text and he replied just as quickly.

can i come over 2 ur house gotta get away from 👿

ya c u in a few

Annabeth sighed locking her phone and putting it in her pocket. She was able to walk to Percy's house in less than ten minutes. When she knocked on the door she was greeted by the loving face of Sally, Percy's mom.

"Hey hon, come in I just made a fresh batch of cookies. Percy's in the living room, you better go in there before he eats them all," Sally said with a smile on her face closing the door behind Annabeth...

A/N Hopefully this wasn't too bad. Let me know what you think. I'll update next weekend.

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