Chapter 11

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A/N Hi, everybody. I know it's been forever since I last updated this story, so here's another chapter for anyone who can tolerate my writing. Since I'm lazy, I will NOT be writing Piper and Leo's backstories since they were somewhat written in the books. So in this au Leo still runs away from the system and Piper will have run away from her uncaring father, so it will leave off after they both talked abou their past. However, I will be writing about Jason (and Thalia of course) because I need to change their past to fit in with this fic. Don't worry I won't kill either of them... well, at least not in this chapter.

Jason's POV

I held Piper tight as she concluded her backstory. Sure, she didn't have the best life, but she assured us that being here was the best thing that happened to her. And I'm pretty sure this is the best thing that happened to anyone. We all make each other happy, and that's enough for us.

Quit being a sap and shut up, I mentally scolded myself.

"Alright Jason, your turn."

I looked up at Annabeth who had spoken and was now looking intently at me.

I swallowed hard and glanced at Piper who gave me an encouraging nod. I took a breath and began.

My mom had been an actress for as long as I could remember. She was always going to parties and bringing a new guy home whose name could never be recalled. She smoked and was drunk almost all the time.

Since our mom was never sober enough to raise us, Thalia was forced to grow up faster than anyone could imagine, and she had to take care of me and our mother.

Thalia made us meals, got me to school, helped me with homework, put me to bed, and was there when I woke up with nightmares. All the things my mother should have been doing.

As we got older, it got worse and worse. By the time I was twelve, there was barely enough money to feed us for the rest of the year. Thalia did her best to keep me fed- she would give me a bigger portion, and sometimes she wouldn't even eat so I could have a full stomach.

In September our mother was killed in a car accident caused by the alcohol in her system.

A day later Thalia and I were running as far from that town with all we needed in the backpacks we were carrying.

I had never been so scrared and confused in my life. Thalia said we would be going to some relatives' house in New York.

After many hungry and tireless nights on the street they arrived at their destination.

I looked up at the huge, black house towering before us. How could we be living on the streets when our own uncle lived like a king?

Thalia had kept up a strong front for the past few years of their lives, but when she saw the house before her, her walls fell down. She looked so tired and worn down by all the burdens she was forced to carry.

We shared a look and slowly made our way to the front door. When we rang the doorbell, we were greeted by a tall man in a black suit with long black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He looked down at us with distaste, almost as if he had just eaten a lemon.

"Well?" he asked impatiently.

"Are you Hades Di Angelo?" Thalia questioned him with hesitance.

"That is not my surname, it was my wife's. But, yes I am Hades. Why do you ask?" Hades answered with a raised eybrow.

"I'm Thalia Grace, and this is my brother, Jason. Our mother has recently passed, and we believe you may be the only family we have left. Our father is Zeus."

All of a sudden, hatred marred Hades' features and he angrily said, "He is no brother of mine, and any children of his are as much of a mistake as he is. I want nothing to do with you. Leave and do not come to me again!"

"How can you say that?" Thalia hollered, "You see two children suffering and you push them away because of a petty feud? How can you be so cold?"

"Do not assume what happen between your father and I concerns you. There were so many things that he did to cause a rift within the family. Do not blame me for your problems!"

With that, Hades slammed the door in our faces.

Thalia let out an enraged scream and started to curse the world for everything.

I felt tears welling in my eyes. If this was our only hope, what do we do now? There was no way we could survive on our own for the rest of the year. And winter was going to make itself known within the next few weeks. What would happen then? We would freeze to death on the streets. If not that we would die of starvation.

After Thalia had slightly composed herself, we started to make our way down the driveway when we heard footsteps walk around the side of the house.

"Hey," a short brown haired brown eyed boy called softly. He looked about my age and was dressed in all black.

"Who are you?" I asked since Thalia was still assessing him.

"If what you say is true, then I'm your cousin," he replied.

Thalia blinked with surprise then glanced at me. I shrugged my shoulders in response.

Before we could ask what he wanted, he said, "Follow me," and took off down the road.

After we took a few turns we ended up at a forest. Thalia and I stopped jogging assuming we had arrived at our destination. When the boy realized we had stopped following him, he gestured for us to follow him into the woods.

We walked for another ten to fifteen minutes, and we came upon a clearing. In the center of it stood a large house. It looked abandoned, but seemed to be in pretty decent shape.

"What is this place? Who are you? Why did you-," Thalia's barrage of questions was cut off by the boy.

"I found this house years ago. And until recently it was abandoned. Its new inhabitants are in a similar predicament as you. They could use some company and friends. I've been giving them enough food and whatnot, but I can't stay with them and help fix the house. They're lonely, and could use someone to relate to. Their names are Leo and Calypso. Mine's Nico."

Thalia and I had moved in, and Calypso Leo had become our roomies. Apparently Leo had lost his mother in a fire, and he had found Calypso on the streets as he made his way here. 

They were working to fix the running water and electricity in the house, and we were able to make it a slightly more livable place after a few months.

Two years later, Piper was directed our way by Nico after she ran away from an unloving father.

Nearly seven months after that, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna found us. (An- I know that Reyna's age was messed up in the last chapter, but I couldn't find a way to change it that it would make sense. She is the same age as everyone else in this fic.) Shortly after they arrived, Thalia left to 'be her own person,' and she joined a group that called themselves the hunters of Artemis.

Another one and a half years and Will had ventured into our ever-expanding home.

Jason finished with smiles directed at the others as he said their names.

There was a deafening silence, and they all turned to Annabeth waiting for an answer.

A/N I know, I know. I haven't updated in like, eight months. And I'm sorry for that. But I have a life, too. You can't expect me to spend my every waking moment writing fanfiction. But I do agree with you guys, I should try to update more often. I know I've said a lot in the past that I would update more often, and that never seemed to work out. I'll update when and if I can, but things have been hectic lately. I have a lot of big projects for school, and we've started to take placement tests for high school.

I'd also like to say thanks to the 1k reads I've gotten on this story. I'm thinking about going back and rewriting some of the first few chapters after I finish the story (Book? idk what you call it). Lemme know what you think.

Until the next update, read some good fics!

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