Chapter 5

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A/N School has been crazy lately and I don't think I'll be able to update again unless it's on Sunday.

Annabeth lay still in her bed and assessed the person. It seemed to be a short male who had long hair held back into a short ponytail. He was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it, black jeans, and a black aviator jacket. Dang, obsessed at all? She watched as he quietly shut the window and slowly walked over to the door. Taking this as her chance, she stood up jumped infront of him and judo-flipped him. Placing a knee on his chest to hold him in place, she heard the others waking up and rushing to her room.

When the door started to open, she looked down at the man. Behind her, Annabeth heard a gasp and felt a pair of arms grab her gently and lift her off the intruder. She looked over to see Frank with his face full of shock along with everyone else.

Hazel ran over to the man and smacked him lightly on the arm and scolded, "Nico!"

Oh, so this was Hazel's brother. Oops.

Annabeth looked over to see Nico with a smile on his face shaking his head.

"Not many people can attack me and get away with it. Good job. You judo-flipped me, right?" Nico asked Annabeth.

She slowly nodded her head in confirmation still unsure of Nico.

Nico looked like he was going to say something but was interrupted by Will.

"Annabeth that was a reckless decision! What if Nico were to fight back? You can't put that much strain on yourself! You could hurt the twins, they could even die-"

Will's ranting was cut short by Nico who walked over and gently pressed his lips on Will's. Will had a look of shock and blush spreading across his face as Nico walked over to greet his sister. Annabeth too was shocked but then thought, Well if it makes them happy...

"Mother Hen goes a little coo-koo when we 'risk' our 'health' and 'endanger' ourselves," Leo told Annabeth using air quotations.

Piper laughed and patted Annabeth on the shoulder telling her she and Jason were going to bed. Everyone made their way slowly back to their rooms yawning with their eyes half-lidded. As Annabeth waited for everyone to clear out of her room, Nico came up to her with regret in his eyes while Will waited silently at the door for him.

"I'm sorry about startling you like that, I can't imagine what could have happened if I fought back," he mumbled.

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't fend for myself," she said giving him a reassuring smile.

Nico returned the smile then replied, "You know, I think we'll get along just fine."

~~The Next Morning~~

When Annabeth Finally rolled out of bed it was almost ten o'clock. As she slowly trudged her way downstairs, the smell of breakfast became present and the sound of crazed voices drifted over to her. In the kitchen, Annabeth was met by the sight of Leo and Jason covered in flour, Hazel, Piper, and Frank had dough covering them, Calypso and Will had egg yolk dripping down their heads, and Nico and Reyna were sitting at the table talking as if they didn't notice what was going on around them. Annabeth cautiously walked into the room and avoided an egg flying past her. Nico and Reyna glanced at her as she sat down at the table with them.

"I'm surprised you didn't get woken up by the chaos earlier," Nico said with an eyebrow raised.

Annabeth didn't heed him as she had spotted the pancakes, which explained the mess, and started to heap them onto her plate.

Reyna stifled a laugh, then called to the others who were wiping off the pancake ingredients, "You should come get some before Annabeth eats it all!"

The others quickly finished wiping the food off and rushed to the table while Annabeth stuffed her face with food. Leo, being the last to finish clean off, threw himself across the room landing on the table in front of the pancakes and started to chew on the one by his face, which happened to be on Annabeth's plate.

"Hey," she cried hitting him upside the head causing him to spit out the pancake on Jason's lap.

Everyone had tears in their eyes as they laughed watching Jason chase Leo around the room threatening to throttle him. Annabeth wondered how they hadn't gotten reported to the police yet.

They finished breakfast with the minimal amount of fights, that included when Frank claimed Leo was being annoying, so he picked him up, put him outside and locked the doors. There was peace for a few minutes until Leo found an open window and climbed through to join in the kerfuffle. (A/N it's a word, look it up)

They slowly moved their banter outside into the warm sun. They spent a good portion of the morning outside playing childish games like Tag and Hide-and-Seek. After they had another eventful meal, Piper told Annabeth that there was a near-by lake that they were planning to go to.

"Wait, you guys actually have swimsuits?" Annabeth asked incredulously.

"No, we just wear our underwear. Practically washes them so we don't have to do the work," Piper stated factually.

Annabeth nodded her head with a sarcastic smile.

"Okay, I'll go wait outside," Annabeth said rolling her eyes.

"Okay Piper said cheerfully bouncing away.

Annabeth shook her head walking outside.

Once everyone was ready, they started the trek to the lake, which took longer than it was supposed to since Leo claimed the scenic route was better. By the time they got there, Annabeth's feet were aching so she sat down and watched as the boys hurtled themselves into the water splashing everyone. After Annabeth gained more energy she joined in the fun and splashed around with the others.

The sun had started to go down by the time everyone decided they should head back before it was too dark to see anything. The walk back was filled with loud laughter and corny jokes which added to all of the fun they had that day. Annabeth smiled and thought to herself, I could get used to living like this

A/N Sorry this is so late I haven't really had any time to write. I'm not sure if I will be able to update next week, but there will be at least one chapter that I can post over my Christmas break.

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