Chapter 2

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A/N This is one month after the last chapter

~~One month later~~

Annabeth and Percy were still going strong, but he didn't know about the baby. Annabeth and Susan were still fighting, nothing new there, and her dad was too wrapped up in his work to care about anyone other than Susan and her brothers.

Now it was the beginning of June and school had just gotten out for the year. Parents came to pick up their kids as friends hugged each other goodbye.

Annabeth had given Percy one last kiss and walked over to where Bobby and Matthew were fighting and her parents were standing talking.

"Come on Annabeth, we're going home and then you can find yourself a summer job," Susan said not caring one bit that she had just finished her junior year, and by her father's looks he didn't care either.

Annabeth walked to the car and took off her Yankees hat, the only thing her birth mother had left her. Even though the ride home wasn't that long Bobby and Matthew made it hard for her to think of what her plan would be for telling her parents about the baby.

When they got home, Annabeth was exceedingly angry at her family so she marched upstairs, slammed her door, and locked it without a word to anyone. It's not like they cared anyway.

She picked up her phone and texted Percy for the last time.

Percy, I love you, and because I love you I have to do this, I'm breaking up with you

Wiping away her tears, Annabeth started to get out her duffel bag and stuff it with all of her necessities and a wide variety of clothes. She also threw maternity clothes into her bag that she had bought the previous week while she was planning ahead. Then she grabbed her worn backpack and filled it with pictures, cash, a few books, her birth mom's old laptop, and she then was ready to go. Slipping her phone in her back pocket, even though it wouldn't do much good after she left, she put on her baseball hat and trudged downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Susan asked snarkily.

Her father raised an inquisitive eyebrow from where he was sitting on the couch next to Susan. Annabeth watched them cautiously from her spot at the bottom of the stairs. She slowly put down her duffel bag and opened it up taking out a picture. Annabeth had gone to a local OB clinic to get tested to see if she was actually pregnant just before she went to the maternity store a week ago. While she was there she learned not only was she pregnant, but she was expecting twins.

Walking over to her parents she handed them an ultrasound picture of the twins and stepped back waiting nervously for their reactions. They took a moment to study the picture, then Susan gasped and put her hand to her mouth. Her father glared angrily at the paper, then ripping it up slowly he said in a low tone, but the anger was still obviously present, "Get out."

Annabeth picked up her bags and left the house, never shedding a single tear, never glancing at the house, never looking back at the past.

~~Two weeks later~~

Annabeth woke up to a hot summer morning and the sound of cars racing by. Groaning, she sat up from the flattened cardboard box she had been sleeping on under the fire escape in some alley. Lifting her arm up so she could view her watch, she saw it was 9:23am.

"Another day in paradise," she grumbled grabbing her bags and heading out into the bustle of the town. Walking down the street she bumped into a Latino with elfish features and a boy with military cropped blonde hair and a scar above his lip.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," the Latino said patting her on the back while the blonde started looking uncomfortable.

"It's okay," she replied keeping the suspicion out of her voice.

Annabeth watched them walk away then, just as her suspicion was starting to dissipate, they glanced around and ducked into an alley. Curious as ever, Annabeth followed them into the alleyway. It was at that moment she realized they had taken all of her money. Now fuming with anger, she walked with more purpose.

Suddenly, she made a turn and there was a dead end. She looked around trying to find them when she heard the groan of rusty metal being strained. Tilting her head up she saw the Latino hurrying onto the roof and she just barely caught a glimpse of him.

You are not getting away from me she thought determinedly.

Hurrying up the ladder she nearly lost her footing and fell when one of the bars broke underneath her weight. Once she was on the roof she saw them sitting precariously on the ledge of the building scanning the crowds below.

Annabeth walked toward them stopping about ten feet away then shouted, "You know, it's not really nice to pick-pocket a homeless girl."

The boys jumped slightly turning to look at her when she heard the Latino mutter under his breath, "Damnit, the one time I try to pick-pocket someone..."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and held out her hand waiting for them to give her the money back.

The Latino started digging around in their bag, while the blonde adapted a look of deep thought. After a moment the look went away.

Then he asked, "So you live on the streets?"

Annabeth nodded slowly.

He continued, "We live on abandoned private property with a few other homeless kids about fifteen or sixteen years old. If we were to offer you a place at our home would you accept it?"

Pondering his offer as the two boys stared at her, one inquisitively the other unsure she finally decided on an answer.


That simple word brought her across town to a deserted part of it where a large building stood. It might have once been a beautiful place, but now the grass was over three feet tall and vines and other plants overrun it.

As they were walking up to it, the Latino said in an overly excited tone, "I'm Leo, that's Jason. He isn't any fun so I wouldn't hang around him-"

"Hey!" Jason cried.

Leo not caring in the slightest continued, "This pile of bricks is our home, Bunker 9 as we call it. It once belonged to my old man, don't know what happened to him, so I found the place and made it my own while I was on the streets. Jason and I worked and refurbished the place getting some used furniture off the streets and a few batteries, and BOOM the place is now our own humble abode."

Jason rolled his eyes and opening the door called into the house, "Hey guys, we're back!"

Annabeth wondered what kind of mess she had gotten dragged into. Shaking her head, she followed them inside and figured as long as they were around, her life would never be uneventful.

A/N Sorry if Annabeth seemed out of character or the story was moving too fast. I needed her to meet them for what I have in mind later on in the story and that was the only way I could think of to introduce them to each other.

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