Chapter 6

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A/N Sorry its been so long since I updated, I'll try to do it more often.

Annabeth's week had been nothing abnormal from the past few days, and she enjoyed the serenity of the area. She disdainfully thought of the rumbling cars and bustling townspeople, but she was glad the house wasn't completely devoid of human presence or she might have gone insane.

"Speaking of human presence," she muttered to herself as Leo and Jason tumbled onto the living room floor in front of the couch she was sitting on.

"Get off of me, you short elf!" Jason yelled at Leo shoving him off.

Leo jumped back on top of Jason and got in his face and said in a fake hurt voice, "I'm not short! I'm fun-sized, and you should love me for it just like I do!" He proceeded to put a hand over where he thought his heart was, but Annabeth was pretty sure his heart wasn't in the middle of his chest. Then he took Jason's hands and smacked him in the face repeating, "Why are you hitting yourself?" over and over again.

Annabeth started to get annoyed with their antics and walked into the kitchen to find Calypso, Piper, and Hazel bending over some list on the table and discussing the items on it.

Annabeth sat down next to Piper and asked what they were doing.

"Nico can only bring us food every two months or so, otherwise his dad, who Nico gets the money from, would get suspicious," Piper replied still intently studying the paper.

Annabeth too looked down to inspect the list. It mostly contained food and a few clothing items, apparently, she had the most clothes of the group. There was also the oddball items of matches, candles and batteries they needed stated further down the list.

"I've got some batteries and a flashlight if you guys want it," Annabeth said looking up a them. Those had been one of the few things she had bought while she was out on the streets.

Calypso, Hazel, and Piper stared at her surprised.

"You don't have to-," Hazel began.

"-You all have given me everything you have, so I don't see a reason I shouldn't do it in return," Annabeth interrupted.

Annabeth marched up the stairs, feeling their eyes on her back.

When she entered the bedroom, she dug through her bag and grabbed out the batteries, flashlight, and a wad of cash.

The girls were still quietly discussing the list when Annabeth came in and dumped the items on the table.

"We can't take your money, you'll need it for the babies," Calypso said gathering the batteries and putting them in one of the kitchen drawers.

"But-," Annabeth began.

"-No buts," Piper said shoving the money back towards Annabeth.

Annabeth begrudgingly (There wasn't a synonym for this word so I hope I used it right if it is a word) stuffed the money in her back pocket.

"So we'll just send the boys into town for everything else," Calypso muttered looking over the list once more.

The girls dispersed after that, and Annabeth followed Piper out into the back yard to do the laundry.

As Piper was pulling the dry clothes off of the clothesline, she asked casually, "What's your story?"

Before Annabeth could give Piper her curt reply, Piper said, "Your whole story."

Annabeth glared at her then thought for a moment about where to begin.

"I'll tell you if you tell me your story," Annabeth reasoned with Piper.

Piper nodded her head in agreement staring past Annabeth's shoulder.

"Why don't we all go inside and talk," Reyna called from the porch.

Annabeth turned to see everyone standing there looking at her expectantly. Piper shrugged her shoulders, then walked inside with the others. Annabeth decided to follow suit, so she picked up the laundry basket and walked in the open back door. Setting the basket in the hallway, Annabeth walked into the living room and sat on the couch by everyone else.

They all sat silently for a moment, until Leo said exasperatedly, "Who's going first?"

They all looked at eachother and someone spoke up, "Um... It all started a few years ago..." 

A/N Sorry its so short, I was trying to write something and post it since I haven't done anything in a while.   

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