Chapter 13

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A/N Sorry this is a few days late I was visiting relatives, but it's still better than a few months. I'm not sure how many more chapters there will be left, but I'll figure it out.

It had been eight days since Nico had asked if he could bring cousin, and he came back yesterday to tell everyone he would be bringing him over today. The day started with an excited buzz in the air. Everyone was excited to meet Nico's cousin, since it had been so long since they had met anyone new.

At around ten in the morning, everyone heard Calypso cry from the front yard that they were here. Percy and Nico walked up to the house and were welcomed inside.

Annabeth Pov

I heard Calypso call that Nico and his cousin were here, so I hurried as fast as a four month pregnant lady could. I would have looked out my window to see them, but my room faced the back yard.

As I made my way down the stairs, I heard the door open and a few greetings. Had I paid more attention, I would have realized that Nico's cousin had a very familiar voice.

I was nearing the bottom of the steps where there was just a railing, and I had a perfect view of the front door... and who was standing there.

Percy and I made eye contact, and all I could do was say his name.

Percy's Pov

Nico had led me down more than a few roads and through a forest before the house he told me about came into view.

A girl who had been in the front yard had called something into the house before she turned to greet us.

She introduced herself as Calypso.

When we got inside, I was met by more people than I expected, named Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Will, and my cousin, Jason.

The girl called Piper said, "Has anybody seen- Oh, wait there she is."

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and when I looked to see who it was I locked eyes with... Annabeth.

She said my name so quietly, I could barely hear her.

It was then I noticed her stomach. She was pregnant. Of course, I did the stupidest thing I could and started yelling at her.

"Is this why you left me? Did you get pregnant with someone else's kid? Do you know how much you hurt me? You can't just break up with me- by text no less- and give me no explanation! I was heartbroken! You just left without saying goodbye! I love you, and I know you love me! Why would you just leave me like I was nothing?"

By now we both were crying, and Annabeth had walked closer, so we were barely three feet away. Everyone else looked at us like we were about to kill them.

I was going to start ranting agian when Annabeth replied, "You think this is all about you? How do you think I feel? I find out I've been pregnant since April, and I still have a year of high school left! My family kicks me out on the street because of it! I couldn't ruin your life, too! I'm sorry I couldn't give an engraved explanation for leaving you, I was too busy trying to figure out how to cope with becoming a mother by myself!"

I took a step forward and reached out my hand to lift her chin up so she would look me in the eyes.

"No one ever said you had to do this alone."

She looked into my eyes, and then she hugged me while crying into my shoulder. She kept saying, "I'm sorry," over and over.

The silence was broken by Nico who said, "Um, okay. Well that was... interesting. Would this be a bad time to say I brought McDonald's?"

That earned him a hard smack over the head from Will.

With that, Annabther pulled back with a snifffle, and wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"Yeah, I think eating would be a good idea," Annabeth replied.

We sat down and began to eat our McDonald's brunch. It was pretty awkward at the beginning of the meal, but soon everyone began to relax slightly. I got to talk with Jason for a little bit and get to know my cousin better. Throughout brunch, I continued to look at Annabeth, who had remained silent while she ate.

With brunch over, I was going to ask Annabeth if we could talk, but she beat me to it.

She led me up to her room which wasn't very personalized. Her room had a mattress, closet, her bag, and a few pictures next to where her head would be on the mattress. Upon closer inspection, I noticed there was a picture of Annabeth and I after our first date and a picture of the... babies.

"There's two?" I asked with surprise.

Annabeth nodded as she sat down on her "bed."

I finally asked the question I had been dreading the answer to, "Are they mine?"

Annabeth gave me a small smile and nodded once again.

"Holy crap."

She laughed at my reaction. Seeing her happy, even if was just for a moment, reminded me how much I loved her. It was then I decided I was never going to lose her again. And with that final thought, I stepped forward and kissed her. We would always be there through every step of our lives, good and bad, and we would never leave the other. We made that agreement with a single word, "Together."

The End


A/N Now I know some of you will be upset if I end the book there, and if you want me to, I can write a few more chapters. If I don't get any requests to make it add chapters by Christmas, I'll add an epilogue and that will be the end. If there are requests to continue, I will update the Sunday after Christmas. Until then, read some good fics!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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