Chapter 3

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A/N I got out of school early today so I decided to post another chapter. I will be updating on Sunday. This chapter is so long that I cut in half, otherwise I wouldn't have anything left for Sunday, although I feel like this is a pretty decent chapter.

When she entered the house, she found herself in what she assumed was the living room seeing as it had three couches and two chairs surrounding a beaten-up coffee table. But, what intrigued her the most was the carpeting. It wasn't the traditional kind, there were patches of different textures, sizes, and colors spread upon the flooring.

Leo, following Annabeth's gaze explained, "The flooring used to be wooden, but it was too moldy to keep, so we ripped it out and put carpet over the top."

Even though the concept of that was somewhat insane she just nodded her head in understandment. Looking around, she saw a set of stairs leading to where she assumed the bedrooms were. There was a doorway leading to the back of the house, and another leading to the left side. The windows were clean, curtsey of the people living there, and opened slightly to let in a cool breeze to air out and keep the house at a plausible temperature.

She was broken out of her thoughts when a girl about sixteen years old with caramel hair and almond eyes came up to Leo and pecked him on the cheek.

"Where you able to get anything?" she asked him quietly.

"Does she count?" Leo asked pointing to me.

The girl finally taking notice of Annabeth said politely, "I'm Calypso."

She stuck out her hand and Annabeth shook it, "Annabeth."

Calypso nodded her head then said, "Lunch is almost ready. I'll put out another plate." She then walked through the door leading farther back to the house with a smile on her face.

"We'll introduce you to everyone at lunch," Jason said happily, "For now we can show you were you'll sleep."

"Thank you," Annabeth said quietly. She never thanked anyone unless she meant it, which was rarely.

Jason and Leo lead Annabeth upstairs and brought her to an empty room that had a mattress that was laying on the floor and an empty closet. It wasn't anything special, but it was much better than the conditions she had been in before.

"This is where you'll be staying. Sorry you can't room with anyone, but all the rooms already have two people in them, and Reyna likes her space," Jason said gesturing to the small space.

Annabeth set her bags down on the bed and turned to face the boys. She felt her hormones taking over and the urge to cry was overwhelming, but she tried not to give in. She was only able to resist for so long before she thought Oh well and let the tears flow.

"Thank you, you don't know what you've done for me," she said hugging them.

Jason patted her on the back awkwardly and Leo said hyperly, "Anything for a fellow in need!"

Annabeth's tears were quick to dry, and she became quite focused on studying the room and what was outside her window. Jason and Leo had left shortly before and said they would get her when it was time for lunch.

About half an hour later, she heard a soft knock at the door and turned to see Calypso standing there.

"Lunch is ready if you want to come downstairs to eat and meet the others," she said kindly.

Annabeth nodded her headand followed her to the kitchen. As they neared the room she was able to hearplayful banter and happy laughter from at the least six people.

When she and Calypso entered the room, the noise died down.

Jason stood up and, gaining everyone's attention said, "This is Annabeth. Leo and I found her today when we were in town. She'll be staying with us, so treat her like family."

Everybody nodded their heads and then the introductions began.

There was a girl who she assumed to be Jason's girlfriend who was Native American and was named Piper. Hazel, a young girl who looked to be African clung to a boy, who she had learned was Chinese-Canadian, about three times her size, called Frank. Reyna seemed to be one who was respected by everyone and had no problem with laying down the law. And finally, there was Will. He had an all-around sunny personality and could probably befriend anyone he chose to. It was definitely a group no one would have expected to exist seeing as all of their personalities varied greatly.

Annabeth sat down at the large table in between Piper and Calypso and started to eat. She was wondering where they got all of their food from, but she was so hungry she didn't care. However, her question was soon answered.

Piper spoke above the noise and asked Hazel, "Do you know when your brother is coming with our next food supply?"

It became eerily silent as everyone waited for her answer.

"He should be coming within the next few days," she replied quietly as though unsure of herself.

Lunch was quiet, no one talked above a whisper unless they needed to ask a "Pass the..." or "Could I have a...". For a bunch of teenagers, they ate surprisingly little although that was probably due to the fact that they had gone without a decent meal in who knows how long.

After everyone ate, they split up and went about their day doing whatever they please. Annabeth went into her room and decided to unpack the few things she had. She put her laptop and phone, although useless, next to the mattress along with a picture of she and Percy's first date. Then riffling through her bag, she pulled out the second picture that she had gotten during her ultrasound. While she had been looking absentmindedly at the picture, Annabeth didn't notice Piper entering the room until she heard a sharp intake of breath.

"You-you're pregnant?!?" she asked in a voice so quiet Annabeth had to lean towards her to hear her.

Annabeth silently looked at the floor. Suddenly, she felt a pair of warm arms embrace her. Looking at Piper she was met with a pair of determined color-changing eyes.

"We'll help you with the baby, don't worry."

"Babies," Annabeth automatically corrected.

Piper nodded slowly still processing the whole ordeal.

A/N Again, sorry this is cut off so soon I will be posting the other half on Sunday.

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