Chapter 12

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A/N So, for the first time ever, I updated on time! Think of this as a Christmas present. I'm writing out all the chapters now, so hopefully I'll finish this in a month or two. But I can't make any promises, so don't be mad if I don't update for a week or two. Anyway, on with the story!

Annabeth's Pov

When we had sat down in the living room, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Sure, I  mean I knew that they all had pretty rough lives, but I didn't expect things to get so deep and personal.

They all looked at me waiting to hear why I was in my current predicament.

I let out a sigh, then began to tell them how I found out I was pregnant, dumped my boyfriend, got kicked out, and lived on the streets for a few weeks up until the point when Leo and Jason tried to pick pocket me.

"You keep telling us about this boyfriend of yours. What's his name," Leo questioned.

I shook my head in response. It was too painful to talk about Percy.

Piper gave me a sympathetic look then said, "You don't have to tell us. Names don't matter."

Leo muttered, "Sorry," in my direction.

I offered him a smile in response to show it was okay and all was forgiven.

The rest of the day we spent getting to know each other better and just having a good time. By nightfall, everyone was worn out and called it a night heading to their respective rooms. Will and Nico were the last to head upstairs for bed. Nico had been able to convice his dad that he was having a sleepover with his friends- which was true- so he would be here until tomorrow afternoon. After bidding me good night, Will told me I shouldn't be up too late, to which I replied I wouldn't stay up to long.

I had stayed up for a while longer, and as it got darker, I ventured outside.

The stars were much easier to see out in the woods than in town. I spent a good half hour staring up at the sky from my position on the ground.

The stars reminded me of how brief life is and how insignificant many of my problems were. There were billions of people who saw the stars every night, yet they never truly saw them. The stars had been there for eons, every night, for all of time. They were there for every death, birth, and struggle that the world presented. They were always there even when you couldn't see them. If people were like the stars, we would always be there with each other for the good and bad times, and yet here we are. Always fighting, never there in times of need, and living in a world of violence. The stars were one; always together in the bright of day and dark of night. Never fading and always reappearing even when they seemed to be gone forever.

The more I thought about this the worse I felt, and the more I wanted to go back to Percy and explain everything. I wondered if he was looking at the stars and wondering what to do with his life, too...

Percy Pov (Bet you didn't see this coming)

I sat in my room thinking about why everything was just going downhill in my life right now. What had I done to be in such pain? What gods had I angered?

I had no idea what I did to make Annabeth break up with me. When I texted she didn't respond, and a few days later her phone wasn't in service anymore. I had tried to go to her house to talk to her, but when I got there, I found boxes of clothes and her belongings set out to be taken away by the garbage workers. When I asked Annabeth's step-mom where Annabeth was, she laughed and shut the door in my face.

My mom tried to console me and told me things would get better and I would move on, but I could tell she was just as confused as I was about Annabeth's abrupt disappearance from my life.

You never really know how much you love someone until they're gone. Yes, I said I love Annabeth. I figured that out just after she broke my heart. I started to become more closed off, and I barely went outside anymore. I wouldn't talk to my mom or Paul. I didn't find a reason to get up in the morning anymore.

My mom decided that I needed to start to live my life again, so she made me start to go out into the world. That was why I met Nico about two weeks ago.

I hadn't been looking where I was going and ran into him in a park. We started to talk and get to know each other after I apologized. I mean, we had gone to the same school and we knew of each other, but we didn't know each other. 

We got along pretty well, so I had gone over to his house a few days later. When I got there, his dad took one look at me and started screaming his head off. Turns out Nico's my cousin and our family hates each other. It was kinda crazy to figure out my cousin lived in the same town as me when we didn't even know we were related.

We had begun to hang out a lot, and then he told me I have ANOTHER cousin living less than two miles away. It really is a small world.

When I asked if I could meet my other cousin, Nico began to explain the living situation of our cousin. He told me I could meet everyone, but I would have to wait a week or two for him to tell everyone.

I had been thinking about this all night as I laid in my room staring out the window at the night sky.

How am I supposed to move on from this? Does the pain ever stop? What did I do? What do I do now?

The more I thought about it the more I wanted to cry.

I just hoped Annabeth was happy wherever she was.

Annabeth Pov

After I was done thinking about all the mistakes I made, I went inside in hopes I could sleep away the guilt


By nine, everyone was awake, and Leo and Nico were fighting over who got the Cheerios first. Rolling my eyes I walked over and took the cereal they had set down while arguing and poured myself a bowl.

After everything calmed down a bit and we were all eating breakfast, Nico said he had something important to tell us.

We all looked at him intently, and he said, "I found another one of my cousins two weeks ago-"

"What?" Jason interrupted, "Is he related to me, too?"

"Yes," Nico said with a glare, "Now before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going to say he wants to meet you guys. He knows he can't tell anyone about you guys, he's just interested about you."

Everyone thought that was fine, and before Nico left, he said he would bring his cousin around next week.

I didn't know why, but I had a feeling this wasn't going to go as planned.

A/N Sorry if this was really crappy or made you cringe, but I needed a filler chapter to help explain some things. Hopefully the next chapter will be better, though I can't guarantee anything. Until next time, read good fics!

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