Chapter 8

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Sorry I didn't post last week. Im lazy and that's my only excuse. Well, i mean wattpad kept crashing so that probably counts...

Anyway, on with the story!

Frank's POV

Frank took a moment to think of the best way to begin his story, then started.

Frank had had a normal life for the most part, he went to school, took part in sports, and dreamed unbelievable things just like any child would. When he was two, his dad died in the war, or thats what his mom told him. His grandma is convinced he made an excuse to leave him and his mom. Frank being so young at the time didn't really understand what death was until a few years later when his mom died. When Frank was eight, his mom died taking a bullet for a fellow soldier when she was dispatched in Afghanistan. By then Frank was starting to get detached from everyone at school as they found better priorities than being friends with him. He slowly started to close himself off from his grandma and let his mind swim in the grief he had from losing his mother.

After a while, Frank was able to accept his mother's death and found things he enjoyed doing like archery and observing wildlife. As his grandma got older, her health started to decline slowly, and even though she didn't want him to, Frank started to take on the responsibility of taking care of her at the age of thirteen.

A few months after Frank's fourteenth birthday, his grandma died suddenly in her sleep. Frank was left as an empty shell of himself and was forced to cope with his loss alone.

Frank had no where to go, since the house was forclosed on and if he made his presence known, then he would be taken into child services. He had heard stories from people who had been through the system, and they made it sound like a fate worse than death.

Frank had been living on the streets for a few months, migrating from alley to alley and traveling to who knows where.

One day in late June, Frank was walking down what seemed like an abandoned alley when he heard what sounded like fighting and shouting. He curiously walked towards the noise wanting to know what was going on. Frank rounded the corner and saw a man in his late thirties hovering over a frail looking girl who couldn't be older than fourteen (I'm gonna make Hazel be like 14 or 15 in this) lying on the ground cowering in fear as he yelled at her.


Yeah, New Orlean's streets aren't the friendliest. (Idk maybe everyone is a unicorn and nothing bad ever happens on New Orlean's streets)

"O-okay," the girl said shakily and started to reach into her bag.

If there was one thing Frank learned from his mom it was to stand up when no one else is there to help and be the light in the darkness of someone's misery. (Too sentimental? Too bad. Deal with it) 

Frank slowly walked out of the shadows and puffed his chest out to make him seem bigger, but it just made him look like a constipated penguin (I have no idea what that looks like and hope i never will)

The man snareled at him and pulled a switchblade out of his pocket and started to move towards Frank. Frank stood his ground and watched as the girl he saved ran down alley.

Some show of gratitude, Frank thought to himself and nearly rolled his eyes when he was jolted out of his trance by the guy lurching at him. Frank quickly stepsided the knife, but it was clear he didn't react fast enough when he felt a searing pain in his left arm. There was a long cut that went from his shoulder halfway to his elbow. The man had lost his balance when he attacked Frank, so he bolted down the alley the girl had gone down since it was the only clear path.

Heroes of Olympus Homeless auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz