Saving Grace

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"Can you fix her?" Castiel looked down at the girl in the bed, she looked fragile, her usually sun kissed skin was now void of color, her hair was matted down by greasy residue from the hospitals negligence. He looked to Sam and Dean with a complex expression.

"I can...try. But there is no guarantee she'll be the same when she wakes up.

"Cas, please...just bring her back." They had made a promise to their dad that they'd keep her safe

"I will do my best, Dean." He softly put his hand to the girls forehead and in an instance he was gone, into her mind.


"Hello, Grace?" he got no response as he scanned the dark foresty area, spotting a single path through the clutter of trees.

"Grace?" he called once more as he strolled along the past.

"Who are you?" a little girls voice rang out from behind him, he turned, looking perplexed.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm Gracie" he tilted his head, this was clearly not the same Grace he had come to know and dare he say grown fond of, this child was small and weak looking, her skin was dull and her eyes were not as vibrant as the one he knew.

"Well...Gracie...I'm Castiel" he felt stupid using such a childish name to refer to her but the 'her' before him was not the 'her' he knew... 'wow...that was confusing.'

"Oh, you're big brothers guardian angel, Bigger me really likes you." She spoke so casually, but he grew even more confused at the easy confession, if her older self knew what this child had just told him he was sure she'd find a way to shut her up.

"Where is bigger you?" Little grace stared at him for a moment and pointed down the pathway, "She's at the river, the one with all the pretty flowers." She said nothing more so he assumed she was going to lead him, but when she took off down the path in the other direction he sighed.

"Great..." Castiel started walking down the pathway again.


"He's been in there a while."

"Maybe she's gone dean..." Dean turned and looked at Sam with a pissed of expression.

"DAMMIT SAMMY! You and I both promised dad we'd keep her safe!" Sam wore a defensive expression.

"You don't think I know that dean? I know we promised but we can't save everyone, right?" Dean whipped around and landed a punch right in Sam's jaw, knocking hm to the floor.

"How can you be okay with this, she's our sister, Sam! She counted on both of us after dad died, she looked up to us and we almost got her killed." Sam stood and took his seat next to graces bed, staring at his little sisters face.

"it's not that I'm giving up on her, I'm just trying to be realistic. What if Cas can't bring her back?"

"Then we'll find some other way."

"You better not be talking about making a deal with a demon."

"If this doesn't work, what other choice do we have Sam. We've lost mom and dad, I am not losing Gracie too!"

Sam smiled momentarily, Gracie is what everyone had called her when they were little and honestly it was a sign that dean really cared about this situation. "Fine dean, you're right. Whatever it takes."


"Grace?" he distantly heard the sound of rushing water, he must be close to the river. The closer her got though the more concerned he grew, the flowers little grace had mentioned were all wilting some were dead entirely.

An Angel's Grace (A Castiel X OC story) (Supernatural.)Where stories live. Discover now