Devil may Care

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"So what, Cas is human?" Sam sat down on the table Dean was laying on, Grace watched the two of them.

"Ish. I mean, he's got no grace, no wings, no...harp, whatever the hell else he had."

"Okay? And where'd he crash land?"

"Called me from a pay phone, from Longmont, Colorado. I told him to just make for the bunker."

"Well, you think he can handle that?"

"It's Cas, he's survived much worse, remember the leviathans?" Sam and Dean looked at Grace, "What? Oh come on guys, those things ripped him apart and he still came back from it. He's a big boy, he can handle this, have some faith."

"Things go breaking bad, he knows our number. Right now I got bigger worries."

"Dean's right, we got thousands of fallen angels out there. And I can bet some of 'em want us dead."

"Thanks to Metatron, Like Grace said, we got a couple of thousand confused, loose nukes walking around down here."

"What do you think they're gonna do?"

"No clue, but whatever it is, we're going to need some strong allies." Sam and Dean both looked to her, with bitch faces for interrupting.

"Grace, I appreciate our input, but you're still on house arrest, no hunts, that includes this." She rolled her eyes "You're not dad, Dean. So stop acting like him."

"Someone has to watch you, you can't be trusted on your own, Grace. You get into too much trouble alone."

"Because I'm a girl, or because I'm the annoying little sister who gets in the way all the time? You know what your problem is Dean? You can't trust people and it pisses me off."

"Grace, that's not fair, I—"

"No, what's not fair is that you will trust Sam, after all the fucking shit you've been through, but you won't trust me."


"No, you know what, Sam, Shove it. because I know you're going to side with him, try and sell me some crap about how it's for my own good, but I don't care anymore." She turned and began walking out of the park.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"None of your fucking business, Dean. Go back to hell." He watched her leave holding Sam back from going after her, "Let's give her some space. We're not far from the bunker."


"—ook, if we can get to Crowley to give us the name of ever demon that's gone top side..." the two heard the bunker door open and close, then footsteps.

"We can hunt them all down, therefor making it easier to close the gates of hell." Grace stepped into the room, Sam and Dean shared a relieved look but Kevin grabbed the super soaker full of holy water and prepared to shoot her with it.

"You get me wet, Kevin Tran, and I swear to god, I will give you the worst swirly you have ever experienced." He hesitated for a second, but dropped the water gun back to the table.

"Grace, where have you been?" She ignored Sam's inquiry and headed for her room.

"Grace?" Dean called after her but she just flicked hm off and kept walking. "Yikes, whatever you two did to her...I'd sleep with one eye open tonight." Sam and Dean shared a look as they watched their sister head for her room.


Grace heard one of the phones ring, but ignored it. "You gonna answer that?" "She shrugged and went back to what she was doing, Kevin sighed and picked up the cell phone.

An Angel's Grace (A Castiel X OC story) (Supernatural.)Where stories live. Discover now