First Born

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Days Passed and Grace had showed no signs of waking, he wasn't sure what to do so he'd gone to work as usual, keeping up appearance until such a time that they could leave this false life behind, not that he minded the story they had spread, or that he minded sharing a home with the youngest of the Winchester siblings, in fact, he quite enjoyed it.

Sitting on the edge of the bed he stared down at her serene features, he reached over, cautiously moving a few strands of hair from her face, startled when she'd suddenly muttered his name in her sleep, it was not uncommon for the blonde to sleep talk, but it did catch him off guard that she was dreaming of him.

"I'm right here." Suddenly her eyes fluttered open, "Cas?" he stayed silent, just watching her.

"Where are we?"

"We're at home."

"Home? Where are Sam and Dean?" he didn't have the heart to tell her what had transpired on the bridge almost a week ago, about Dean leaving for their own good, and Sam as well.

"After you dealt with Gadreel, I brought you home. Sam and Dean are out on a job." He lied, averting his eyes, Grace caught onto this but left it alone.

"Thank you." He looked back at her in surprise. "For what? I've done nothing to—"

"You watched over me. You're like my own guardian angel." He wasn't sure if he should smile at the idea or laugh.

"You need a shave, sir." He quirked an eyebrow at her, "Do I?" she just nodded, much like a child, the look in her eyes though said something much different.

"Are you certain? Because I think that you like me this way." Now she raised an eyebrow, and there was evidence of a smirk tugging on the Angel's lips.

"What if I did?" he let out a low growl at her reply, Grace just smirked, teasing him was fun, it always yielded different results. Castiel went to push her back down into the bed when her hand reached out brushing the feather of his wings, an odd sensation to be sure.

"You can see my wings?"

"I guess I can. Is that weird?" He shook his head, "No, it's...interesting. Mortals usually can't see them, but I guess given the circumstances, you're not exactly human."

"Gee, just what every girl wants to hear, Cas." She teased, he smirked, certainly uncharacteristic for him, "Well, I happen to know, that you're not like every girl." She raised an eyebrow at his sudden forwardness, "What's gotten into you?" she felt his lips on her skin and shuddered.

"Just marking what is mine." He muttered, nipping at the soft spot between her neck and shoulder, she could feel the stubble on his face brush against her skin, it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. As he trailed his lips down to her collar bone she gingerly touched his wings again, trying to be gentle, Castiel on the other hand, purred.

"Did you just...purr?" brilliant blue eyes stared down at her, "It felt good." Grace smirked at him, softly stroking the feathers again, he let out a low growl this time.

"Did I do something wrong?" he said nothing as he silenced her, placing a rough kiss on her lips.

"No." Grace giggled, the intimate moment officially ruined, "You purred, like a cat." Castiel stared down at her, rolling onto the other side of the bed.

"I do not purr."

"Yes you do! You totally purr." She reached over, stroking his wing to prove her point, he let out another soft purring like noise, he apparently heard it this time because he blushed.

An Angel's Grace (A Castiel X OC story) (Supernatural.)Where stories live. Discover now