The Witch of Holberg: Part 2

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(I imagine this song to fit Castiel to a T...sorry guys. Plus I know halloween is over but I couldn't resist.)

Grace had definitely looked better, by the time Sina was done with her.

"I've lived in this town since the 1800's watched it grow and expand, watched my family come and go while I remain young thanks to my craft."

"So what, you're feeding off them to...?"

"Feeding off of them, how repulsive. I'm a witch dear, not one of those mangy flea bags or blood suckers." Grace laughed.

"So how do you possibly stay so young? Some popular Hollywood Diet, Paleo? Weight Watchers? Santa Clarita?" Sina was growing more irritated.

"Quiescis." She found herself unable to speak as Sina circled around her again

"I find you very Annoying, little girl."


"Where the GPS taking us, Sam?"

"166 Lilly street, Lake crystal."

"Dammit Grace! Call Cas, were gonna need him on this one."

"Are you sure, Dean? I mean I think we can handle a single witch." Dean gave his brother a look.

"Just call Cas, alright." Same rose his hands defensively and pulled out his phone.


Another piercing scream echoed in the basement of Sina's House "Secare!"

"STOP!" Graces voice echoed In the damp almost empty space, bloody tears streaked her face.

"Answer my question, Winchester. Why are you hunting me? up until our little party here, I've done nothing wrong except kill a few homeless folks who no one would miss, but a witch needs her spell ingredients." She flashed a twisted grin

Grace knew she shouldn't have been so rash about leaving her brothers at the diner, but Dean had managed to piss her off and Sam had just sat there, but it was her fault she was even here, and she knew that.

The sound of footsteps upstairs roused her from her thoughts.

"Sounds like the party came to us." Sina flashed a wicked grin as she cast the silencing spell again before going back upstairs.


"Hello Boys." Sam and Dean aimed their guns at the woman who'd emerged, "Where is she?"

"I'm sure I don't know who you're talking about."

"The girl, where is she?" Castiel frowned at the woman's act of ignorance.

"Ah, so the Winchesters are keeping an Angel, How adorable." Now all of them frowned. "It's true, I do have your little sister, but I'm not going to just give her back to you."

"Then we'll kill you and just take her back." Dean informed her, cocking the gun and preparing to shoot.

"I'm quite old, dear. Bullets won't kill me."

"Oh, these will. Trust me. Now tell us where you have Grace." There as a warning tone to his voice now as he silently signaled for Sam and Castiel to start looking, Sam's gun still aimed as he inched around the woman, who rolled her eyes and with a flick of her wrist sent him flying into the nearest wall.

"Children shouldn't play with such dangerous toys." Sina said, scolding him like a mother would her own child.


An Angel's Grace (A Castiel X OC story) (Supernatural.)Where stories live. Discover now