Heaven Can't wait.

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*A few weeks later.*

Grace set her keys on the hook by the front door and kicked off her shoes, Castiel wouldn't be home for a few more hours yet, he had found a job at the local gas 'n sip, why he chose to work there she'd never understand. but it wasn't her business. Something had been nagging her since the day at Aprils apartment, she had said something.

"there's been big talk about you with the Angels, for quite some time now. You're kind of a big deal."

What had she been talking about, she wanted to ask Castiel if he knew anything but she didn't want to bother him if it was nothing. Sighing she stood and went for the kitchen, setting about making dinner.


The door opened and she heard the shuffled of familiar feet, she laughed internally, poor guy always came home tired.


"In here, Cas." Things had begun to feel like they were a married couple from some sitcom, it was almost surreal.

"Dinner is almost ready."

"I do enjoy your cooking." She smiled at the subtle compliment, turning off the pot of boiling noodles.

"Maybe tomorrow we can just order in, or maybe go to a sit in restaurant. It'd be a nice change of pace."

"It would, my manager tells me there is a nice Italian place over on 6th." Grace nodded, "I've passed by there a few times on my way to work, it's nice, but you need to make a reservation, and it's ridiculously fancy." She dished up some pasta for him and then set the two plates on the table.

"Water alright? I never made it to the store for other beverages." She looked apologetic but Castiel just smiled, "Water is Fine. Thank you."

"You sound like you're in a relatively good mood. I assume work was easy today."

"Oh, actually, I accidentally broke the slushy machine, there was a huge mess." She raised an eyebrow, wondering how this would be a good thing.

"My boss says everyone makes mistakes, and that I shouldn't worry about it."

"She seems nice, my boss is a hard ass. Cas, not to get of subject, but can I ask you a question."

"Of course, I'll try and be helpful in answering."

"April, she said something, the day we found you."

"What did she say?" Grace wasn't sure if she should continue, what if he didn't know, she sighed and went on with it.

"She said I was a big deal with the angels, that'd there'd been big talk amongst them about me. Do...Do you know why they'd be talking about me?"

"There were talks about you, but I am not certain as to why, Grace. I was pretty low ranking in the Garrison so I never picked up on much." She sighed.

"I appreciate the Effort, Cas. Thank you."

"Of course. By the way, I called Dean." Grace choked on her food before looking at him again, "Y-You did what? Why?"

"There was an article in the paper this morning about a man who was presumed dead. There were reports of a strange substance at the scenes."

"So you called Dean?"

"Yes. I thought he could help."



"Hey, Grace." She looked well rested, something that was surprising considering she'd always been kind of a busy person. "You look good." She just smiled, hugging her arms to her chest, "Thanks, Dean. So...any leads?"

An Angel's Grace (A Castiel X OC story) (Supernatural.)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum