The Witch of Holberg pt. 1

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"Hey, Think I might have found us a case" Dean and Grace looked up as Sam came into the main room of the bunker

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"Hey, Think I might have found us a case" Dean and Grace looked up as Sam came into the main room of the bunker.

"Let's hear it, Sammy." He sat down and unfolded the paper. "6 people all died under mysterious circumstances up in Minnesota."

"Yeah, people disappear all the time, Sam, what else?" He flashed dean a bitch look as he kept explaining. "All the Vic's have one thing in common, they all visited the Holberg cemetery in Rapidan." Grace typed away on her computer.

"Says here that there is all kinds of strange occurrences there. From people claiming a witch lives there, to floating orbs by Henry Cotton's grave. Never hurts to go have a look, right?" Dean flashed her a look.

"No, you are staying here" Grace frowned, "But I can help."

"No, you can get in the way. Grace, you're staying here." she stood and slammed her good hand down on the table.

"Like Hell Dean, There is safety in numbers." She argued back.

"Dean, just let it go, otherwise we'll be here all night." He sighed, "Fine, let's just go." Grace beamed and hurried after her older brothers.



The three siblings stepped out of baby, fed. Outfits on, They headed towards the Blue earth county precinct.

"I'm Officer Peters, Welcome Gentleman and Lady." The sheriff greeted as they entered the building, flashing their badges. "If you don't mind my Asking, why's the FBI interested in disappearances"

"Well, we just go where the boss sends us." Dean told him.

"Well, Officer Williams will get you the case files." With that He left.

"Geez, who'd have thought Minnesota nice was so...nonexistent. Maybe it's just a cop thing." Dean gave her a look as Williams came back with some manila folders.

"Here you are officers, Not a lot to go on, but best of luck to you." Sam grabbed the folders from him and they left, heading for the nearest Motel.


"What a dump...I'm pretty sure that mold is alive..." Sam tried not to laugh at his sisters joke, it was the old riverfront motel, built in 1987. there were only two beds, but Grace had no problem sharing with her brothers, she'd done it numerous times as a child.

Sam set up his laptop on the desk by the door and started doing his usual research of the Area's history. Grace set her bag on the bed and grabbed a change of clothes, heading to the bathroom to change, her hair coming out of the bun it was in earlier.

"Well, looks like in the Rapidan Area, there's rumors of a witch by the name of SIna Strand, locals thought she was a witch because she practiced natural remedies, basically she was an herbalist."

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