Meta Fiction

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"Cas I really don't think this is a good idea..." usually the angel listened to her, but today he had been adamant about checking the place out, so now, here she was, wandering around what she assumed to be an old rundown warehouse, staring at a door with a large smear of blood running down it's already rusted metal.

"Charming..." Castiel pushed the door open, "You stay here."

"No way, we're in this together now, Cas." He let out an exasperated sigh and trudged further in, Grace was disgusted with what lie inside the dilapidated construct, there were dead angels everywhere, as displayed by the wing like scorch marks on the walls and floor.

As Cas went to survey the strange sigil on the wall, Grace checked over the deceased angels, closing the eyes on some of the corpses when she'd heard footsteps, turning her head slightly she saw a woman, angel blade out, ready to strike him down where he stood.

"CAS!" her voice was enough to rouse him, he turned quickly and disarmed the brunette.

"Please—please don't! Don't hurt me." Grace stood, looking her over, "We're not going to hurt you. It's okay." Castiel kneeled so he was eye level with the angel, "What's your name?"


"Hannah, what happened here?" Castiel's voice remained amiable, Hannah was clearly injured, displayed by her swollen eye and blood-stained face, her dark eyes drifted back to the odd sigil painted on the wall, she looked terrified, but that may have been an understatement.

Yeah—I—heard it, too. What was it?"

"I don't know. It, uh, it sounded familiar. It sounded like heaven. It's so strange down here. I, uh, followed the tone and found so many of my brothers and sisters had, as well. It felt safe here, and then the doors slammed shut and a strange angel arrived he said her worked for the new god."

"For Metatron?"

Grace frowned, she knew exactly who Hannah was talking about, Gadreel, the son of a bitch who wore her older brother as a meat puppet.

"I'm going to stab his eyes out then I'm going to feed them to him..." Hannah looked over at Grace, but chose to pay no more mind to the comment.

"Mm-hmm, he made us an offer—join Metatron, fight for him, and those that did would one day be allowed to return to heaven."

"Return to heaven?" Castiel could tell the woman was immensely sore based on how she was shifting around on the floor, Grace looked down at the brunette once again as she spoke, Hannah now stared at grace like she knew her from somewhere.

"I didn't believe him, either."

"You were right in that decision, Hannah. Metatron is not to be trusted, gods scribe or not."

"He said he would take us home. Some angels joined him. My friends and I refused, and, uh..." she was on the verge of tears.

"We're both sorry for your loss, Hannah. For all our loss." Castiel reached out with two fingers, brushing them softly against the woman's head, healing her injuries. Grace smiled at the action, she loved that despite having spent millennia as a soldier he was compassionate, though that could have just been because of his time on earth.

As soon as she was healed, Hannah stood, smiling gratefully, "You're Castiel, aren't you? And the Winchester girl?"

"Yes." The two responded in sync. "You both took a stand against Bartholomew, and you, you're not even an angel...well, not entirely...I'm not certain what you are." She tilted her head, looking Grace directly in the eyes, "It's hard to get a proper reading on you, it's almost as if I'm locked from your mind, but, I know I can trust you. Are you both going to help us, lead us against Metatron?"

An Angel's Grace (A Castiel X OC story) (Supernatural.)Where stories live. Discover now